I made a new CTL script, RGB curve with relative color selection for ART.
Download link follows.
It also has a relative color filter and applies color correction to the selected relative color range, like my previous scripts. This color filter allows relative color selection. For example, selection of relative yellow area over different color area, or with combination of hue parametric mask, relative yellow area selection in blue area, or relative cyan area selection in red area, and so on.
These subtle color selections are especially useful for removing color unevenness in old discolored film or photo print images, which is not available in existing image editing software.
This script has a dialog as shown below.
Basically, it is the RGB curve version of my Relative Color Area Collection CTL script, and it allows us to do more complex color editing. And in this script, I have added the “All Colors” option as a target color. When you select this option, it simply works as an RGB curve with local editing function, and of course some of the parameters of the correction area definition are invalid.