Curves and how control the colors

There was @stefan.chirila 's post recently here Help with over-saturated area? and now another one about saturation. I thought using Perceptual rendering should fix, or at least help, with these desired adjustments, so I’ve been trying it, but I’m left scratching my head.

I’ve taken the pic above, and increased the saturation outrageously with the intention of having a start point that is outside of sRGB. I’ve then saved to jpeg with a) relative colorimetric and b) perceptual, both with black point compensation. RT’s working profile was Prophoto. I was expecting the two to be different, but they’re the same.

Rel.Col. first, Perceptual 2nd.
Please can anyone explain?!
I believe monitor profiles are not relevant in this matter.

In addition, I’m uncertain what the under- and over-exposure buttons are showing. Here’s a screen grab showing under exposure. Note that there are areas that are nowhere near black showing up. Could these be out-of-gamut areas?

Furthermore, with both buttons pressed, there is an area that is both under and over exposed! - the black semi-circle -

The PP3s for the two versions ( vs. percep) are here -
_MG_3029-Percep.jpg.out.pp3 (10.4 KB)
_MG_3029-RelCal.jpg.out.pp3 (10.4 KB)

Finally, it would be great if RT could show out-of-gamut areas for profiles besides printer ones, e.g. sRGB. As a workaround, is it possible to make a printer profile that happens to have the same numbers as an sRGB icc?!

Above with RT 5.2-5.