Czy program obsługuje tethering dla Pentax K-3II?

Dzień dobry, jestem nowym członkiem forum i pozdrawiam wszystkich. Posiadam Pentax K-3II. Czy RawTherapii obsługuje Pentax K-3II w theteringu?

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Good morning, I am a new member of the forum and greetings to everyone. I have a Pentax K-3II. Does RawTherapee support Pentax K-3II in tethering?

(Just providing Google’s translation and spelling fixes.)


Hi Tomasz, and welcome! I just downloaded a sample raw file (a DNG) from the K3II from dpreview, and tried it in RT5.9 and it seems to work just fine. So you should be fine.

Cześć Tomasz i witaj! Właśnie pobrałem przykładowy surowy plik (DNG) z K3II z dpreview i wypróbowałem go w RT5.9 i wygląda na to, że działa dobrze. Więc powinno być dobrze.
(przetłumaczone z DeepL)

I think the question was specifically about tethering support, this test doesn’t cover it.

One option: it looks like this model is supported by libgphoto2, which is used by gphoto2 frontend or by darktable for tethering, and others.

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Sorry - I missed that. My translating confused me…