Darkroom Filmstrip Shortcut

According to this page in the 4.0 manual, filmstrip there are several different shortcuts that can be used. However, is there a shortcut to scroll through the filmstrip? I have a laptop and no scroll button or mouse.
God bless,
Genesius :pray: :camera_flash:

Are you really using 4.0? Thatโ€™s almost 2 years old.

:joy: Hi paperdigits.
No. I still a newbie, but Iโ€™m on 4.2.
God bless,
Genesius :pray: :camera_flash:

Personally I would go bat shit trying to edit images without a mouse, but you may be a better master of the touch pad than myself.

On my V4.7 I can scroll the film strip by putting two fingers on the touch pad and moving my fingers left or right. This may be a new feature in 4.7 that will become available in 4.8

I want to click through them quickly because Iโ€™m checking 9 bracketed images, several sets, and want to check the shutter speed between them quickly.
God bless,
Genesius :pray::camera_flash: