Darktabe for Windows slow?

Hi, I am using the newest version of Darktable for Windows on an Acer laptop. It has a dual-core i5 processor and 8gb of ram, video card nothing special.
Apparently, whatever I do with darktable, whichever filter I apply, it is slow. E.g. I change a tone curve and it takes at least 5 seconds until I see the effect. But it takes again some seconds if I just zoom in or out of the image until I see the image. Now I could understand this if it were a complex task such as noise reduction. But every little task appears to take forever. Btw I am editing 16 MP raws of an Olympus camera, my screen is 24 inch, fullhd.
Is there some special setting that could speed up the performance?
Thanks in advance
Edit: this appars to be related to the number of tasks I perform on the file. So it is “normal” isn’t it? The image is re-calculated every time and the edits are only applied to the preview. Darktable is quick when I only view an unedited raw file.

Disable OpenCL if it is activated. OpenCL on an Intel card is very slow. If OpenCL is not activated will see…


That was it! Thank you so much Pascal!

Trying out the latest 2.7 dev for windows 10. Finding that basic editing is much faster with openCL turned off rather than on, which is surprising me, as I have a GTX 1070 GPU with 8GB VRAM (paired with an old 6 core Xeon CPU and 16GB RAM). With openCL enabled, exposure adjustments take a good second to process, with with it disabled ~ 0.2 - 0.3 secs on A7RIII raw files. I’d hope the GPU could speed things up…
(Coming from Lightroom and looking for a faster replacement, but so far Darktable seems a bit slower)

@Joe_Hudson you should install the latest stable if you want a fair bench mark.

you might also want to check this thread: Windows 10 running Darktable not using PC at full capacity - #9 by temperdu

darktable might not make use of the fast graphics card by default.

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