Darktable 2.7 (dev) Windows builds

Moving LUT 3D just before colorout can also help.

I would like to test version 2.7 but updating the database does not work. Do you have a solution ?

How does updating the database fail? Do you have some log or screenahot?

Hello and thank you . after my update dt a window opens and asks me to update my library, i validate but nothing happens.
where is the log file.

Your screenshot is too small to read the text in the dialog.

Logs are here:
Windows 10: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\darktable\darktable-log.txt

Windows 7: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\darktable\darktable-log.txt

Here is my darktable.log file and the visual
Thankdarktable-log.txt (1.2 KB) Sans%20titre

New build darktable-2.7.0+2162~g60067f3d9-win64 has been just added.


Thank you for the new build!

Thank you

thank you so much r3cov3r!

Thanks chaps

I’m new around here.

I published this issue #3306 and it seems that can not reproduce in Linux, can you try it in windows?

Thanks a lot.

@git Welcome to the forum!

I don’t know if you guys already seen this bug, but you can’t compress the history stack anymore. It immediately jumps back to the active module. It’s very weird. A video about darktable 3.0 will be posted on my channel tomorrow that demonstrates what I mean.

@Rico Select at gamma or orientation and see if that works…you will still have a few modules showing…not like 2.6 implicit module now show in the history but I think there are likely still to be some tweaking to it…I have noticed strange and varied behaviour base on the age of the legacy edit that I have pulled in to re-edit…new edits should be relatively clean as far as I know but some legacy edit combinations have likely not yet been tested and may respond in an unexpected way when processed by the new code to handle all the changes…

I encounter 2 problems with the 3.0 windows version

  • I can not create Styles or even import my old Styles
  • OpenCl is no longer available worked fine with version 2.6.3

My sytem
Intel i7 3.10 GHz 16.0 Go
radon RX Vega M GL Graphics

Can you run “c:\Program Files\darktable\bin\darktable-cltest.exe” and share the output?

here is the file darktable rc 3.0.0
Dartable cltest.txt (2.5 KB)
Thank you

It seem to me this error is a consequence of additional OpenCL optimization which has been introduced in 3.0rc0, but since then they have been removed. See darktable/opencl.c at master · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub

Could you please test it with the rc1?

OpelCl works well with version 3.0.rc1
Thanks to the team dt.