darktable 3.4/3.5 opencl slow on Windows 10

Are there versions of opengl would you have one that is new and not supported or recognized by the software. I have not idea but others will likely understand better. I think I saw something on a site that your card supported v 4.63?? or something…Hopefully someone can help if that is even a possibility??

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opengl version is 4.6. What has opengl to do with opencl?
As mentioned above, I also tried to use a version of darktable that I compiled specifically for this system, shouldn’t that help with this?

Edit: On Debian, opengl version is also 4.6.

Just a typo sorry

OpenCL kernels are always compiled locally, when you start darktable (and it does not find the compiled versions matching your current video driver). You should see that if you run with the -d opencl command-line argument, but only if you first delete the already compiled versions (on Linux: ~/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_{name of device}_{version of driver}, e.g. for me: cached_kernels_for_GeForceGTX10606GB_46080).

Output with compilation:

0.039812 [opencl_init] opencl related configuration options:
0.039828 [opencl_init] 
0.039831 [opencl_init] opencl: 1
0.039836 [opencl_init] opencl_scheduling_profile: 'default'
0.039840 [opencl_init] opencl_library: ''
0.039843 [opencl_init] opencl_memory_requirement: 768
0.039847 [opencl_init] opencl_memory_headroom: 400
0.039849 [opencl_init] opencl_device_priority: '*/!0,*/*/*/!0,*'
0.039853 [opencl_init] opencl_mandatory_timeout: 200
0.039856 [opencl_init] opencl_size_roundup: 16
0.039858 [opencl_init] opencl_async_pixelpipe: 1
0.039860 [opencl_init] opencl_synch_cache: active module
0.039865 [opencl_init] opencl_number_event_handles: 1000
0.039868 [opencl_init] opencl_micro_nap: 0
0.039871 [opencl_init] opencl_use_pinned_memory: 0
0.039873 [opencl_init] opencl_use_cpu_devices: 0
0.039876 [opencl_init] opencl_avoid_atomics: 0
0.039878 [opencl_init] 
0.040083 [opencl_init] found opencl runtime library 'libOpenCL'
0.040105 [opencl_init] opencl library 'libOpenCL' found on your system and loaded
0.067237 [opencl_init] found 1 platform
0.067246 [opencl_init] found 1 device
0.067456 [opencl_init] device 0 `GeForce GTX 1060 6GB' has sm_20 support.
0.067616 [opencl_init] device 0 `GeForce GTX 1060 6GB' supports image sizes of 16384 x 32768
0.067620 [opencl_init] device 0 `GeForce GTX 1060 6GB' allows GPU memory allocations of up to 1519MB
[opencl_init] device 0: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 
     GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE:          6077MB
     MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE:      1024
     MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES:      [ 1024 1024 64 ]
     DRIVER_VERSION:           460.80
     DEVICE_VERSION:           OpenCL 1.2 CUDA
0.124780 [opencl_init] options for OpenCL compiler: -w -cl-fast-relaxed-math  -DNVIDIA_SM_20=1 -DNVIDIA=1 -I"/home/kofa/darktable-master/share/darktable/kernels"
0.124873 [opencl_init] compiling program `demosaic_ppg.cl' ..
0.124915 [opencl_fopen_stat] could not open file `/home/kofa/.cache/darktable/cached_kernels_for_GeForceGTX10606GB_46080/demosaic_ppg.cl.bin'!
0.124919 [opencl_load_program] could not load cached binary program, trying to compile source
0.124922 [opencl_load_program] successfully loaded program from '/home/kofa/darktable-master/share/darktable/kernels/demosaic_ppg.cl' MD5: '873aa05f976ebda5de7eee1601037421'
0.127093 [opencl_build_program] successfully built program
0.127098 [opencl_build_program] BUILD STATUS: 0
0.127100 BUILD LOG:

0.127104 [opencl_build_program] saving binary
... repeated for the other kernels ...
0.160316 [opencl_init] kernel loading time: 0.0355 
0.160321 [opencl_init] OpenCL successfully initialized.
0.160323 [opencl_init] here are the internal numbers and names of OpenCL devices available to darktable:
0.160324 [opencl_init]          0       'GeForce GTX 1060 6GB'
0.160326 [opencl_init] FINALLY: opencl is AVAILABLE on this system.
0.160327 [opencl_init] initial status of opencl enabled flag is ON.
0.160335 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_mask_Lab' (0) for device 0
0.160339 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_mask_RAW' (1) for device 0
0.160343 [opencl_create_kernel] successfully loaded kernel `blendop_mask_rgb_hsl' (2) for device 0
... repeated for the other kernels ...

If you already have them, you won’t have the compilation step, only the loading messages.

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Exactly. And there is only one cache for these kernels per video driver. So if you change the video driver the recompilation is enforced. But if you recompile dt and the new dt requires some updated kernels you will run into problems seen via the -d opencl option. If there is a kernel mismatch you will either end up with visual bugs or a fallback to cpu code - the fallback takes time again. BTW the installers make sure the opencl kernels are valid, but if you compile yourself on current master …