darktable 3.4: Encore!

Translations of this article: German, French Happy holidays everyone – it’s time for your favourite Christmast gift. This is the second major release of 2020 from the darktable project following the early release of darktable 3.2 in August, and we’ve been busy: between the darktable, rawspeed, and dtdocs repos, there have been more than 5,500 commits in 2020! Documentation Photography is a difficult enough endevor and trying to manage your post-processing without documentation can make things even harder!
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.darktable.org/2020/12/darktable-3-4/

Huge thanks to @elstoc, @Matt_Maguire, and @johnny-bit for doing a lot of work on the docs.

And of course @Pascal_Obry thanks for keeping the ship headed in the right direction.

@wpferguson thanks for all the lua work!


The link on
install | darktable
is for 3.2.1

You can download the latest release from github.

Great job! It starts to become closer and closer to a high-professional tool!

Thank you, Merry Christmas

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I would say DT has been used by pros for a while now. I’d agree though in the sense that it has progressed amazingly in the last 2-3 years specially in terms of features/capabilities, UI, usability. Huge kudos to the devs once again


The new documentation is a tremendous leap forward for dt.
I my mind the docs makes it much easier for newbees to start using dt.

With an emphasis on good initial oveviews with substance, things are explained in a logic sequence that follows the wonderings and needs of one who meets darktable (and digital image processing) for the first time. Also the focusing on and explaining initially the current scene preferred scope of dt sets readers (and users to be) in a good position to understand both the application they’re about to delve into as well as some of the processes that go on for its development.

Although I have been sniffing occasionally on dt the last year and used it a few times on a very low level, I learned important new stuff by now reading the first chapters of the manual, and I’m now really looking forward to take on the new shiny beast with improved UI that let’s me more easily start fresh with this tool in a scene preferred mode and hiding all the old clutter.

A great job with the manual and v. 3.4 – and many thanks to all that have contributed!


Awesome work ! Just tried it on some of my nasty images with stunning results. Definitely a major leap forward. Thx a lot !


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Concratulation for this update. I uses darktable very often.

Best regards
aka DerAmateurPhotograph