In 3.6 It doesnt seem possible to save a dstyle with white balance “as shot” it seems to only save the current white balance not the “as shot white balance” so when you apply a dstyle to other files you have to change the white balance everytime to “as shot”.
Its on a fuji xe3 is that matters.
Maybe something has changed, i just want darktable to pickup and use the cameras white balance by default white having to change it each photo.
I think its equal or very close to as shot if you use the modern wb workflow in preferences and leave it out of the style. If you go in to default wb with wb at camera ref and using color calibration …I think it is equal to as shot upon opening a new image so your style can just go on top of that…I could be wrong but there is a drop down in CC to select as shot and it doesn’t change what the default gives so that is why I believe this is where it starts…this is extracted by CC from the image metadata.
If you use modern color flow in darktable - don’t save white balance preset, but save color calibration preset and leave white balance alone.
Technical explaination:
White balance ‘as shot’ is nothing more but a set of coefficients for channel multiplication to get the “ooc” white balance calculated from image data. the “as shot” is not much as setting but more of detection if the coeffs set are actually “as shot”. So if you copy “as shot” you’re not copying “as shot” setting, but copying coefficients… And when you paste it on another image with different coeffs calculated then it’s no longer “as shot”
Color calibration on the other hand CAN copy “as shot” setting (which works a bit different).
as shot is the default, so why save it in the style? The only reason I can think of would be to mass-reset the WB of many images one has already edited and where WB was manually altered. I don’t think it’s something done frequently.
for preferences → processing → auto-apply chromatic adaptation defaults = legacy, the white balance module will be set to as shot by default; to return to that, you can reset the module.
for preferences → processing → auto-apply chromatic adaptation defaults = modern, the white balance module will be set to camera reference, color calibration will be turned on with illuminant set to as shot in camera; again, to return to that, reset the module, or at adjust the illuminant setting.
Thank you all for this.
As someone indicated above if i do not save the as shot white balance in the style and activate color calibration the issue is fixed and when i apply the style to other images it uses the camera white balance.
Ironically im in this white balance issue in the first place from misunderstanding the way it works so saved the as shot WB in the style and reapplied it to correct it and it didnt work as expected.
Whilst i now know enough to fix this and not be an issue for me i do not think this is very intuitive or work in an ideal way.
IMO i would have thought that simply resetting the WB and saving a style should give the cameras default WB when applied to other images. If not this then clicking on "as shot and saving the WB in a style really should give as shot when applied to other images.
After all the default reset of all parameters for an image only gives WB activated in the history and picks up the camera WB and color calibration isnt activated so you might assume that you can get the camera WB using styles by only using WB tool.
I can see this tripping up a few new users. If the behaviour cant be changed then maybe tool tips to explain not to save WB is you want camera default WB.