darktable 4.2.0 released

  1. Haven’t touched it… Currently it reads as
    cldevice_v4_gfx803=1 150 0 16 16 1024 1 0 0.033319 0.000
    if I understand correctly what you meant.
  2. l look at numbers in lines such as
    1083.313032 [dev_pixelpipe] took 65.222 secs (3.772 CPU) [export] processed diffuse or sharpen LC’ on GPU with tiling, blended on CPU`
    However, I did not measure anything. When I looked into the log, there was a line saying that DT had estimated GPU vs CPU and chose CPU for processing (sorry I can’t recall exact wording). And some numbers were given in this statement as estimated processed times.
  3. That’s okey. Will have a look there… or just wait.

UPD: That was the first run of 4.2. May be some surplus or whatever…

The “avoid atomics” setting looks strange, also micro nap is not default. Are you sure you didn’t do anything on this?

Ok, but why, though?
It would make sense to me that I could easily set my preference for this since it is a basic workflow and I have a choice between two equally good options.
Setting up styles seems somewhat roundabout.
Anyway, thanks for giving me all these great options to choose from :slight_smile:

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Well, I think “avoid atomics” and “micro nap” most probably are a surplus from HD7770/fglrx times. So I did touch these two a decade ago or so… However I doubt these are involved. I may reset them to defaults, though.

There is an issue tracking work going into this topic: [RFC] : rework / simplify the workflows support · Issue #12917 · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub

I didn’t have the time to propose something solid before the release so it’s on the to-do for the next. We will see where we end up in the long run.

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Yeah, I agree that sigmoid as default option is a good choice. When someone needs more control in difficult cases one may switch to filmic. So maybe the opportunity to quickly switch by a shortcut or a mouse click will be convenient.

Congrats!! Very nice release, it’s refining version!

I have a doubt, though, the manual seems still not updated. I wanted to start translating it in Italian but I can’t find (for example) the sigmoid page through weblate. Maybe is weblate not updated? Is it still the right tool to translate the manual?

For those on Kubuntu 22.10, it seems the Ubuntu 22.04 package from the OBS site installs on Kubuntu 22.10

@cigno5 the English is not up to date so we have no updated weblate yet.

Great! Thanks for the feedback!

Hanno: Can you double check on master? It does seem like twice as big as I remember in the past or the image in the user manual. Maybe a bug.

I don’t understand, what is twice as big?

I think the color assessment frame… unless I’ve lost track :grinning:
I haven’t really noticed the change tbh!

I noticed a change some time ago with a build between 4.1.0 and 4.2

Actually the width of the white frame seems to be the same, but the grey area around it definitely got smaller. I preferred the old size, as it also enabled better checking of middle grey …

Grey width around image is set on preferences, darkroom tab. You can set it as you want. I don’t remember seeing changes for that on darktable code recently.

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Pretty big difference. This isn’t precisely an apples-to-apples comparison but it’s clear. User manual on left, my 4.2 dev screen on right:

User manual is not fully up to date, so.

The white border used to be: d->border_size = 0.125 * d->width;

PR 12462 change it to:
return MIN(1.75 * darktable.gui->dpi, 0.3 * MIN(d->width, d->height));

I think the 0.125 to 0.3 explains the difference from what it used to be. The ISO 12646 goes into details of the view angle, 160cdm luminance, and the colors; but I’m not finding details around the amount of white border.

This is what it looks like for me with 4.2 - strange, very different width of the white frame.
iMac 27" Retina (5120 × 2880)

Image border is set to the default width of 10, but some other (apparently fixed) value is used in color assessment mode:

Image border width set to 300, color assessment modes stays the same:

That setting does not seem to apply for color assessment mode, see posting above.