darktable 4.6 software installation problem.

Got error “The procedure entry point CreateFile2 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNELL32.dll” when I tried to load darktable 4.6 after installing it on a computer with a Windows 7 Professional operating system.

Windows 7 has been obsolete for years. I don’t think anyone is willing or able to continue supporting this outdated operating system.
Incidentally, it can be extremely dangerous to use an operating system for which there have been no security updates for years.


Weird. I use Windows 7 and still regularly install the security updates Windows puts out for it. I’m interested in others’ fixes for this problem.

Well, Microsoft claims otherwise
(There was an extended support for some versions.
And I heard some complaints about “forced” updates to windows 10.

As far as normal users and third-party programs are concerned, though, Windows 7 is dead.

dt on Windows is most conveniently built using the MSYS2 environment. MSYS2 dropped support for Windows 7 more than a year ago.