darktable 5.0.0 released

We’re proud to announce the new feature release of darktable, 5.0.0!

The github release is here: https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/releases/tag/release-5.0.0.

To build from source, do not use the autogenerated tarball provided by GitHub on the release page, download our tar.xz file instead. If you’re just building for yourself without creating a package for some distribution, then using source code cloning in git is an even more convenient way.

The checksums are:

$ sha256sum darktable-5.0.0.tar.xz
eaa136e6e624bb53127282e26aafa0441abcc189b55371465e1f5a8a493fa3a1  darktable-5.0.0.tar.xz

$ sha256sum darktable-5.0.0-x86_64.dmg
3f49cfb63958269b99065cf6b501678d4e63f2457ee1915bcd7ffa0dfef9dcfd  darktable-5.0.0-x86_64.dmg

$ sha256sum darktable-5.0.0-arm64.dmg
14feb35ef2b2e8e50cf1855826ad4913e905a5600a56a87dd98382e8d828e9db  darktable-5.0.0-arm64.dmg

$ sha256sum darktable-5.0.0-arm64-13.5.dmg
b43011cae5ddc9f19a8f895ba389e9ddb79d01534e9ca0568b7125026ac72145  darktable-5.0.0-arm64-13.5.dmg

$ sha256sum darktable-5.0.0-win64.exe
40444d5c7d310b1e1e859bd6b7c5d5e35d538a7bf9ad3e918b0e883c971451ea  darktable-5.0.0-win64.exe

$ sha256sum Darktable-5.0.0-x86_64.AppImage
d0061ac5a345c473d98f04388197afaee48e61b638db576ae1c88700cb8855cd  Darktable-5.0.0-x86_64.AppImage

When updating from the stable 4.8 series, please bear in mind that your edits will be preserved during this process, but the new library and configuration will no longer be usable with 4.8.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.darktable.org/2024/12/darktable-5.0.0-released/

Many thanks to the team for once again lot of work to make this possible.
Wish you all the best for the upcoming festive season.

Btw.: there is a German version with some illustrations of the above available here:


Thanks again y’all! :black_heart:


Thank you for all your hard work!!


Awesome, thanks to everyone involved! :slight_smile:

Two quick questions:

  1. How can I select the camera profiles?
  2. Any chance to get face recognition in darktable?

I join the ranks of grateful users who thinks that Christmas Night came early this year too, and appreciate all the development work done. Thanks to all!

The new splash screen illustration states version 5.1.0 …

Always the best of the Christmas presents!

And this time with my own small contribution: the lighttable can now scroll smoothly instead of jumping row-by-row. (Which wasn’t mentioned in the changelog :cry:, but you can enable it with a setting)


This is because I had to use the developer version to prepare the article days before official release … will give a hint in the article.
And: should be better now …

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You could"ve used the 5.0 branch, it was tagged 6 days ago…


Compiled many versions in the past, but the last two releases I was not able to do this any more because of errors I could not resolve as non developer - this time I did not try because of time restrictions.

A great Xmas present. Thank you!


Thanks so much again to all of you devs and contributors for all your work, your time spent and your never ending motivation for getting wonderful features and optimizations done. Wow :muscle::sunglasses::+1: and a wonderful x-mas time to all who celebrate :christmas_tree:


Sorry about that. I have also forgotten the new filmstrip UX I have implemented, so there is nothing personal :slight_smile:


Once again a big thank you for keep improving darktable - it is a wonderful piece of software.

I have it running on ubuntu 24.04 now, by using my updated compile script.
If interested in the script, head over here: GitHub - per2jensen/dt-on-ubuntu: Darktable on Ubuntu, scripts for compiling DT on a specific Ubuntu version

Merry christmas to all :slight_smile:


I see hundreds of styles in the style module in Lighttable. Select an image in lighttable, go to Styles and find an entry darktable camera styles


Thank you for the new release, for the constant development and the great support you provide!


Moltes gràcies una vegada més pel magnific treball


It’s not available for Arch Linux yet, but I’m waiting with bated breath. Thanks!

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Once again, many thanks to the developers and all those who in one way or another have contributed to the development of this new version, and to all those who have generously dedicated their time to create and constantly improve this excellent RAW developer.

The world is divided between those who know the code and those who do not. Those of us who, like me, don’t have the skills to program, are very grateful to those who can.

This is an excellent Christmas present. Thank you.

Greetings from La Habana, Cuba.