Darktable and stripped off color profiles?

I read DT user manual and many posts about color management. I still can’t find a way how to get correct colors for images added to pixelfed (which might strip profile away from the files imported there). Could some one give me some pointers?

I edited some old jpg images from 2001 and got everything to look good on my computer. When I exported those images they look correct in most cases. However when I imported those to my just created account in @mve@pixelfed.fi colors are wrong, when I look that post in Firefox. Pixelfed app in ipad shows colors almost like I see them on darktable. If I look same image in my photo page I see correct colors also in Firefox. This image tries to show the difference I see:

Right one is how I would like colors to be seen, but left is what I get. If I open exported image in Gimp without color management I get same wrong colors. Enabling color management in Gimp I get also correct colors.

If you these images on your browser next to each other, do you also see same difference in the colors?


  • Darktable 5.0 (build from source), run in Debian 12 with Gnome
  • Display is profiled in Windows with Spyder X and profile is imported to Gnome
  • Module order: v5.0 JPEG

Input color profile:

  • input profile, sRGB
  • working profile, linear Rec2020 RGB
  • gamut clipping, off

Output color profile:

  • output intent, perceptual
  • export profile, sRGB (web-safe)


  • file format, JPEG (8-bit)
  • high quality resampling, yes
  • profile, sRGB (web-safe)
  • intent, relative colorimetric

I think that I have tried to change everything in here and I just can’t understand how I could get exported image to look correct in pixelfed server or in Gimp without color managed display.

Is there any workaround to get around the problem? For example opening DT exported image in some other image editor and saving it again from there?

hmm. I don’t see any difference between these images when looking these next to each other using Firefox in Windows. Difference is very clear in Linux.

Firefox on Linux:

Colour management settings in Firefox (highlighted values have been modified from defaults):

gfx.color_management.mode = 1 means ‘Full color management’. Default: 2 ‘Color management applied only to tagged image.’ Previous default: 0 ‘Color management disabled.’

gfx.color_management.rendering_intent = 1 means ‘Media-relative colorimetric.’, but ‘perceptual, media-relative, and saturation intents all render the same way’.

Source (I have no idea how up-to-date this is, 3.5 is really ancient, but I have not found anything more recent): ICC color correction in Firefox - Mozilla | MDN


Thank you kofa!

Making these changes fixed this for me.

You still have no way to ensure everyone will see them the same way.

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That’s true. This firefox problem explains why some images from other people I have seen seem to be somehow wrong. So thanks again for bringing this problem to my knowledge.