darktable displays my fujifilm x-s10 as GFX 100S

I’m using darktable 4.6 on windows 11. I recently updated x-s10 body firmware to 3.11. When I plug in my x-s10, it shows up as “GFX 100S”, I guess that means darktable thinks I have a GFX100S (I wish!) to use use in tethered shooting. Not sure if update did this or other. Image info is correct. Is this as designed? (see screenshot)
fujifilm x-s10


Camera tethering in dt is provided by libgphoto2, and there is unfortunately nothing dt can do about it.

There indeed seems to be an overlap in IDs for these two cameras in the code. It’s probably best to follow up w/ a libgphoto2 inquiry directly.

And please update immediately to 4.6.1, 4.6.0 had some serious issues.

Thanks, kmilos!
I did update to 4.6.1. I don’t use tethering at all, just wanted to know why this is (still) happening. I have not had any issues with 4.6. This just happens when I have camera plugged in for file transfer, so as long as it doesn’t affect processing, I’ll just ignore.
I did go to git hub and it looks like this (wrong camera) has been noted:

but I don’t like filing bugs…

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