Darktable Export module is very slow

I am finding that the print module is extremely slow in DT version 4.7 1082 upward on Windows 11. My print command is file to disk. The usual suspects - Hard disk space, memory, processor speed etc,. are not the culprits. Sometimes I have enough time to have a coffee before it finishes the process. Are others also facing the problem, or is it only me?

There is a print module in windows?

It is the module within DT


This export model has become inordinately slow. This is the concern

Export is not printing.

Do a darktable -d perf in cmd to see what slow about it.

By executing as suggested, Darktable opens, no information is available in cmd window

BTW, the export module was working fine a few dev assets back. the problem has started only recently after v 4.7 1072 (I think)

You then have to go the path for the log. After an export, you need to close dt for the log to finish. On Linux you can see it live in terminal.

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Need to take a break. will do that and post the log file contents

I bet it is because you have switched ā€œhigh quality resamplingā€ to yes. Also not sure you want the allow upscaling to yes in most cases.

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You won the bet. It was the ā€˜high-quality resamplingā€™ the culprit. Donā€™t know how it became yes. Must be accidental. Thanks

Might be worth editing the title to exporting so that it doesnā€™t present a false search result in the future

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True, the title and description was inaccurate. Mica corrected it. Thanks Mica. Anyway the subject is now closed as the solution was an unnecessary selection in the module

There are times when you might prefer the output with yes so its sort of a bit of a trial and errorā€¦ If you use no and typically view your image at in a zoomed out view then it might match up with the standard preview. Zooming in at 100 you might like the results of using yes better for some imagesā€¦ the preview toggle now included can help to better show ahead of time what the results will be using each modeā€¦Using yes is slow for export and in that preview mode if you toggle it onā€¦

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