Is that possible to to make the Export module’s Set size field to read a variable like in “Target storage field”, or do custom exports with LUA sctipt?
In my process, I create duplicates for different print sizes where I set the crops, and add the size to the end of the version name.
For example the postprocessed image has a version name “080825” (a unique ID of the image), and I’d like to create two prints with different sizes 40x60cm and 60x90cm, so I create two duplicates with version names “080825-40x60” and “080825-60x90”.
I’ve tried in two different way to add variables to the export module Set size field, but it eports the image in the original size (I guess the module interprets theese as zero):
$(VERSION_NAME:15:2) --> result is the last two character of version name
$(CATEGORY0(size)) --> I set "size|60" tag for testing
It would be helpful if I didn’t have to export each size version one by one.
You could set up presets for the export module. That allows you to specify more characteristics than just size (e.g., JPEG quality, file name) for each output format. This is handy for honoring the limits set by various sites.
Sample list of presets:
Example settings for (file name ends wit _pixls, here I use max 1920px * max 1080px and moderate quality settings - I may dumb these down a little more for this site to keep file size small):
Yes, I know and use theese presets and the various settings.
I’d like that if I can use variables for output size or I can use somehow the export module with LUA script to choose automatically the right export preset instead of exporting different sizes one by one.
Yeah, that doc is pretty minimal. Good to see that you already know about the presets. I’ve done nothing with the Lua stuff myself, so unfortunately I won’t be any help in that area.
I’m not clear in what you really want to do. You can use the variables to add the cropped pixel size to the export filename, but not in cm since cm depends on the print resolution.
$(WIDTH.EXPORT) image width in pixels at the end of the pixelpipe and after export resize
For the printing company, I have to resize the image to the right size and the tiff files must be named in such a way that the file names contain the ID, the print size in cm, the DPI and the paper.
I’ve created a modul with LUA, to create duplications for print sizes (40x60, 60x90 etc… ) so that I can adjust the cut. This module also calculate the DPI for the specified size, and when creates the duplication it adds the frame size and DPI to the version names what is already contains the ID, for example “080825 -60x90_DPI300”.
My first idea was I set the print size and the DPI in the export module, but in this case I have to set the sizes and DPI in each duplication export one by one.
But today I realised there is a simple way:
If I use “In pixels (for file)” at Set size option instead of “in cm (for print)” with 0 value, this will result the same size image as if I set the print size and DPI
I can set $(VERSION_NAME)_$(CATEGORY0(proof)) in file name field, and thats it