Darktable git liquify (masking) issue

I tried to play with the liquify module to get rid of a dark edge of an image where a softbox was and keep the gradient of the background. As the module is taking more of the image into it’s calbulation as the circle is wide (which is also not how it’s shown in the manual) I tried to create a parametric mask to limit the area the module uses. But then something strange happens. The module also transforms the mask instantly and makes using a mask completely unusable. Am I doing something wrong (most likely an area mask should not be needed when only the yellow area of the circles would be taken into account):

with mask:

without mask it’s taking some part of the hair:

also happens only when drawing the third row


I personally would be trying the retouch module for a problem like this. If you were able to share the image we could look at it, but being a portrait that may not be practical. Maybe even just a crop showing the problematic corner might help.

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Thanks for the reply. I started with retouch but could not get a result I was really happy with. Keeping the gradient was really hard. Also the artifacts created when sourcing from the edges is more work than I’d like it to be. But I could of course try again.

I usually correct this kind of issues with two instances retouch module:

1st instance either use the cloning tool if applicable areas are available and/or the fill tool to fill the area with a suitable color; can be done in multiple patches

2nd instance use blur tool, draw a generous mask with wide feathering over the area and increase the blur radius a lot(!)

The first will cover the areas with an almost suitable mix of color and patches, the second step will blur it completely and usually delivers an acceptable gradient.

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This works nicely, thank you!

This is what I also do, but my second instance I use the healing option as it tends to respect the surrounding gradient. I am not experienced in using the blur tool so I am not criticising that suggestion.