darktable performance: cpu, multithread, AMD Vega 7, Intel UHD and Irix Xe

Hello, friends!
I am planning to buy a new laptop.
What is more important for working in darktable - single-core or multi-core CPU performance?
Does the use of integrated GPUs - such as AMD Vega 7, Intel UHD or Intel Iris Xe - provide a performance boost?
Or in such cases, the CPU works more efficiently than the GPU?
Thanks for the answers!

If you have the money get a laptop with a dedicated GPU unit. This will be the best performance option for DT…

There were two quite comprehensive threads, I link them here for you.

Good luck choosing your new device :sunglasses: & best regards,

I agree that a dedicated graphics card speeds up DT more than the CPU. If I was buying a new laptop for DT I would be looking towards a gaming laptop, but I defer to more knowledgeable people here about what you should buy.

Also things may be better but I do recall a host of issues esp with OPENCL and all these integrated graphics variants over the past few years…things may overall be improved but it could still be a source of issues as many of those laptops come with only 16GB of memory and when shared even if fairly efficiently I still don’t think it will be any where near the performance of the dedicated GPU and as noted there have been driver issues etc etc…

Usually a laptop with the dedicated GPU will also have the integrated GPU and you can use that for when you want to manage battery or to optimize overall performance…