darktable: periodic database maintenance?

The last changes of the database structure in master increased the size of the database by a factor of more than 2. Running a VACUUM did the job and reduced the size to approximately its previous value.

I already mentioned it here:


This seems like a potential place for VACUUM call in darktable code - right after database structure changes on pre-existing database - Another posible PR, but not so easy :wink:

Lemme explain myself then: If you’d use script that purges non existing images, tags etc or do changes like @pehar mentioned or do loads of things that impact size of database, then sure, VACUUM is the right way. Maybe even deserves place in /tools/ dir as a recommended script?

I’ve done 1st part in PR #4303 - This adds VACUUM and ANALYZE to tools doing purging and most likely to cause huge db size shifts.

The 2nd part is more contrived and I’d like some input on that, prefferably from advanced users and/or other devs (@Pascal_Obry ?). One of better suggested ways by sqlite is doing PRAGMA optimize call either right before closing db or once every couple hours. That’s usually no-op, but can slow down closing time in case sqlite decides it’s actually beneficial to run ANALYZE. Another suggestion is calculated VACUUM call depending on theoretical calculation of possible db fragmentation, however VACUUM call is expensive one and requires at least 2x space as taken by db (data+library) on disk to perform. I had 2 ideas - introduce config setting that would specify when to call VACUUM (eg once free_pages reach over 25% of size of database) and perform VACUUM before dt closing once this condition is reached. And 2nd - put button beneath miscellaneous section in core options tab in darktable preferences window with simple cleanup db name :wink:

btw: changes in tools managed to slice my db size in half! So I did need to perform maintenance :wink:

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What about adding a button somewhere in the main program? Running the scripts appears less obvious under Windows, plus there will be people who don’t go looking for the scripts to run.

Given that there are expensive tasks to run, it would possibly be better to offer the user the choice of when to run them, but without the need to run a script.

You need to be careful when attaching these scripts to a button in the main program!

The path to library.db, data.db and the cache directory are hard-coded to the default locations in those scripts. If, like me, you run multiple instances, each having their own dedicated config and cache directory those script will not work as intended.

Admittedly this will not be a problem for the fast majority of the users, but it is something that one should be made aware of if these scripts are linked to one (or more) buttons.

It would need to be one of those big red buttons with a fold-down cover, like for the ejector seats :slight_smile:

Does the script verify that no instances of dt are running?

This unfolded in an unexpected way to me, but , hey, thanks!

I believe if the database is fragmented prior to this PR, then VACUUM/ANALYZE should be applied regardless the user is purging files or not, correct?
Wouldn’t it be interesting to have another script just for that? It would be basically this, right?


Yes. I plan to add a bit of code to database.c and other places to help with db overall.

Yes, I do plan on doing just that. Most preferably in core options window.

Won’t be scripts, will be direct sqlite3 calls in C code :slight_smile:


Glad to read that it is going to be implemented this way. I assumed something like that might happen, but you know what they say about assumptions…

For the time being I made a script that fixes the scripts :sunglasses:

Ohhh… Share, plz?

Most preferably in core options window.

So would that be an auto-reset option… you click “clean up DB” in core options, nothing happens until you close and then it runs, and the tick-box is then cleared? Or something else…

Trully… just a button. you click on it and it does VACUUM; ANALYZE on db :slight_smile:

I’ll try to spend more time on something even less obtrusive than that and more user friendly (for those users who don’t want no stinkin “maintaince db” button in their settings) :stuck_out_tongue:

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Excellent :slight_smile:

I’ve send you a message.

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Hey everyone - there’s PR #4337 addressing all things mentioned.

After my PR’s merged VACUUM will be unconditionally done on all db structure upgrades.

Turns out - making this at db upgrade was easiest part :wink:

Thought about it… Gave up. Instead went for options + nice dialog :slight_smile:

Exactly… I mean partially. With my PR user will have following choices:

  1. freepage_ratio based, so if db has too many free pages (25% by default) then program MIGHT ask for maintenance
  2. user can set up when program will ask about maintenance: never, on startup, on close, on both. With never the program will obviously never ask about maintenance and will only perfrom one on db upgrade.
  3. even if program asks, then it actually asks whether to perform now or later (later being next program startup/close if freepage_ratio is still above threshold)

I think that’s good enough rather than some button somewhere :wink:

And I hope this is up to everybody’s expectations :pray:

EDIT: and after @Pascal_Obry suggestion, the db maintenance options are in “misc” section in core options tab in setings window :slight_smile:


@johnny-bit Today, when I closed darktable, a small window popped up asking me to aprove database maintenance.
However, I could only see that window, not darktable main window, like this:

Is darktable main window expected to be opened until the maintenance finishes? It was a bit weird after I clicked yes, because the small window also disappeared and I wasn’t sure when it finished. The point is that at that moment I was about to shut down the notebook and I was afraid of interrupting the maintenance.

Also, Is there some kind of progress bar showing the progress of the maintenance?

And is there a way to see some kind of statistics from the last maintenance? Or at least, if it succeeded or not.

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There’s 30.2 MB to be freed. Nothing to write home about imho :wink:

my whole library.db is that size :stuck_out_tongue:

Not at all. GUI closing is the 1st thing before any cleanup process happens (and darktable does a lot of clean up, db maintenance is small-ish part)

And that’s UX evolution for me and you :slight_smile: click “yes” and poof, it’s done. Theoretical limit is your disk write speed so with 30MB of freepages and default settings I’d believe your db pre-maintenance was ~110MB, so the time to do maintenance would be “as long as it takes to write 80MB to disk”. In most cases it’s neglible. Would you like any kind of confirmation that it’s done? or would you rather have it by default asking at the start of darktable (so it finishes before you start working)?

Unless you brute-force closing, there’s no way any OS would do kill on that process (since it would send SIGTERM, and we’re already closing)

Plus - db maintenance is an atomic operation for sqlite (if i remember correctly), meaning that it’s done in separate temporary file and once it’s successful it changes temp name to old file (and that’s instanteous in todays filesystems)

Nope, and it’s impossible to “show progress” in any menaingfull way… Maybe except showing little “pliz vait” window :wink: and the process shouldn’t take more than ~2s in bad cases :wink:

Statistics? I mean - it shows you that it can free 30 MB and once you click yes it doesn’t lie :wink:
I can add another dialog with “Maintenance done good sir, 30 mb freed”, but I personally hate those :wink:

How would you like it to be?

I personally think that asking on startup by default would be better, since asking on close creates problems you’ve mentioned.

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“For how long have you been using darktable ?”
“Oh, something like 300 MB.”

Nifty. Thanks @johnny-bit !

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My pleasure! (TBH for cases like yours it SHOULD speed up db access a tiny bit). Especially since that whole set of patches forces code to VACUUM, ANALYZE on command + PRAGMA optimize on every close…