darktable recent development build Windows 64

Thanks for your help. This was on Windows. I ended up reinstalling and re-importing photos and styles, might not have been the quickest way but it worked…

There are often database updates or new module versions in the dev versions. So there’s no way back. It’s highly recommended to backup stuff …

So you went back to or fixed your dev version??

i was just asking as your problems may have stemmed from the way you installed it. There are a couple of simple steps you can take when installing the dev version and this allows you to run it in parallel with your current version and with no impact on that installation. You just have to establish an alternate config and installation path which is not hard.

Yes I went back to
(had to delete database and import photos again)
I did back up my database files but when I reinstalled the old version, and put the folder containing the original database + all the config files back where it was, darktable wouldn’t open.
I should have paid more attention to how to run a development version and this has taught me that this is worth doing next time! Thanks for your help!

You may be gun shy but it’s pretty easy just a few steps…let me know and I can write it out in detail if you need it

Just had a quick look at the latest DEV version (the one posted above), so what happened to “Basic Adjustments”?
Was grouping multiple functions into one module too user friendly? :sweat_smile:

It hard coded functions into the pipeline in less-than optimal places.

It has been replaced with the “quick access panel” where you can configure as many controls as you like

@priort Much appreciated, I will let you know.
Normally I am willing to have a go at things, but sometimes time is limited. Thanks again.

what about 3D lut module, I cant find this on 3.5.0 version

Try going down to module order and select 3.0. see if that works. There may be a bug I will try to check …working on a new edit or a previously edited one?? For whatever reason I found this worked for me but just for that edit

from build guide for windows (darktable/BUILD.md at master · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub):
Note: GMIC. Waiting for GMIC 9.3 you may need to rename libopencv_core4xx and libopencv_videoio4xx to libopencv_core440 and libopencv_videoio440 in the bin folder of darktable to get lut3d available.

In my case this is in place and has been for some time so its not a naming issue. For some cases when I initially search for the module it is not available, however I can get the 3DLUT module to appear. For some reason if I go down to the presets for pipeline order and manually select 3.0 and go back to search now 3DLUT shows up. This has occurred with files that should have been using the 3.0 order so I am not sure what this triggered. I do need to look for a pattern between new edits and older edits etc to fully define the issue. I really only noticed it when I checked to see if something was off with build I posted as I don’t really use LUTS often enough to notice when this behaviour appeared and if it is unique to my configuration or for others. I will need to trouble shoot a bit more. For the user above it may well be what you have suggested…

This might work for you. I just posted this on facebook with a short explanation…I have copied the post below as I think many users here don’t go near FB so I won’t link to it…might help you try out a newer version and should not impact your current one…

Windows users you can download todays version (2159) here. It is a zip file so just uncompress it where ever you like no need to install. All you need to do is one thing or perhaps a second step depending on your usage.

So to begin unzip the file at the link. It will unzip to a directory called DT_dev. In that folder there is a bat file with a relative “paths” command line for DT so it shouldn’t matter where you unzip it. ie where you run DT from. You just need to right click on that batch file (run_dt.bat) and then create a desktop short cut from the context menu. That’s it!! So unzip and create the shortcut. The batch file will run DT from this directory wherever you put it. The key is there is one additional empty folder in the directory call “config”. This will be empty when you first run DT. The bat file is also set to use this as your config directory so it will not mess in any way with you current install. The first time DT runs it will create new clean fresh config files. I think this is a good starting point to see if everything is working and to test it out. From there if you so choose you can copy your current installation config files from users\username\Appdata\Local\darktable to this config folder over top of the ones that get created there initially and then when DT runs it will most likely offer to do a database update for you… That’s really it. Just remember as a precaution back up your config files as you should be doing anyway on a regular basis and remember that if you edit with this version the edits will not be usable in a previous version. DT can read forward to upgrade edit to new versions but not backwards…so here you go todays version with the details threshold masking…have fun

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Thanks very much for taking the time to do this and explain the config file setup. Very much appreciated.

Yes, very much appreciated. Busy with work and other commitments this week, but hope to give it a whirl very soon.

Should be a quick path to be up and running…cheers

Hi priort, thank you for the download and the possibility to try it!

This version is Lua support disabled, right?

can you please change this?

Thank you again!

Do you have Lua up and running on Windows. I had always intended to but just in case I wanted to try any of the scripts but I never did get it going??

Thank you