Darktable style presets (dtstyle.net)

I think your Photoflow name app is already in use by a Instagram native app for mac: http://photoflow-app.com/

I had missed this one… I’ve also realized too late that “Photoflow” is a flash-based image gallery generator. Looks like I’ll soon need to find a new name for the project :frowning:

Nicely done man, just a shame that Photoflow doesn’t seem all that user friendly.

That’s where I need your help (your: all volunteers to test the program). I’m coding the project since a bit more than one year, and I perfectly know that the interface it too “rude” and not yet user-friendly. But I’m open to all suggestions…

I hope that the forthcoming article here on pixls.us will help understanding how it works.

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@Carmelo_DrRaw - have you considered reaching out to the UI/UX free-software design community in some way? There might be some members who would be willing to help you get the UX a little more polished and usable. I am juggling a few things at the moment, but might be able to help out in some way a little later this month (if so I’ll try to write something up and get it to you).

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That would be a really good idea! Any suggestions on where to post/ask for help? So far I got very controversial feedback about usability… we can really see how everyone’s brain works in his own way!
The hard task of the developer is to make a good “weighted average” :wink:

EDIT: of course, any advice from you would be greatly appreciated! Just send me your thoughts whenever you’ll have time for that.

why not use your knowledge to join darktable or rawtherapee team developers? is it relevant to create another raw image processing program? there are so many features to be create to arrive at the lightroom level…

A bit more than one year ago I have introduced my ideas in a thread on the RawTherapee forum, which you can read here:


but the initial momentum dropped down rather quickly… In any case, I have spent really a lot of time studying RT and DT source code to see where my ideas could fit in, and at the end I gave up due to the inherent architectural differences between what I had in mind and the existing code.

Basically speaking, I wanted to create a tool that works non-destructively on layers, and the fixed pipeline architecture of RT and DT make this almost impossible to achieve without a huge re-writing of the pixel pipeline. By the way, this point of view has also been expressed by the RT developers in the thread I quote above.

Believe me, I have hesitated very long before starting a project from scratch, and I’ve actually started coding only when I discovered the VIPS library, as it provided exactly what I needed to implement the core processing pipeline (low memory requirements, automatic parallelization of processing, a really flexible interface for combining processing operations, better than GEGL IMHO, etc…).

Last but not least, I’m not really an image processing expert. I’ve actually not invented anything new in my program, instead I’ve put together existing code inside a different processing structure…

“is it relevant to create another raw image processing program?”
Non-destructive layer-based processing is being expected from GIMP since many years, and seems yet far to come… I claim that PhotoFlow does that already, directly on RAW images if you need to, in a rudimental but already quite efficient way.

To summarize: unless I completely give up the idea of layer-based processing, I unfortunately do not see for the moment a way to directly contribute in DT or RT. However, this might also come from my limited knowledge of their respective source codes, so I am open to any suggestion that could reduce the amount of code I need to write and debug! :wink:

By the way, would the DT developers be ready to modify the processing pipeline such that layer editing could become possible? VIPS would have in this case lots of things to offer…

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@Costalfy - I think there may be a way to still get what you want, but it will require a little bit of work. It’s a long shot, but you wouldn’t happen to have this color target: Wolf Faust C1 DIN A4 IT8 Camera Target by chance, would you?

If so, we can probably get your color toning. If so, let me know and we’ll investigate further. If not, I’ll keep my eyes out locally to try and get something working.

I have another idea. If i use this png in my Lr and i apply the Classic chrome Lr Preset and then i give you the result, is it possible to make a .dtstyle for darktable?

Yes, we should be able to produce at least something. No promises on a .dtstyle for sure, but we should be able to match tones mostly. Where did you get a Classic Chrome preset for Lr, though?

Astia/provia/velvia/classic chrome presets are include by default since LR 5.4 oO’ i’m the first suprised…

Velvia preset

now, Classic chrome

and the Astia preset

finally, the provia preset

Do you think it would make sense to take inspiration from Krita’s interface (in particular for the handling of layers and filters)?

I broke this thread out into it’s own separate topic to not get things too far off track here:

Continue as normal over there. :slight_smile:

@Costalfy any chance you can output those as lossless files (either PNG or tiff)?

Is there a problem at dtstyle.net? I can’t load the page, yesterday or today. I could last week.

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