I took inspiration from a post on reddit and created this watermark template for darktable, using the image metadata in addition to the title, description, author and rights of the image.
I’m using both watermark and framing modules to achieve the result without much tinkering (see the attached screenshots for the parameters, but they are the default).
I would like to be able to extract the main color palette that make up the image and replace the colors in the swatches at the bottom of the image (in this example they are just a placeholder).
I am not capable, but if anyone likes the idea and would like to contribute with a lua script, I would appreciate it. I leave you an example and a file with the template I made.
For the measurements I based on the horizontal images of my Fuji X100F (6034x4032) but it can be adapted to any size. I will try with other formats as well.
The font used is the IBM Plex.
Let me know what you think!
Download the watermark template
metadata-palette.zip (1.4 KB)