As suggested by @agein another post, I’m bringing this deeply messed up negative with the potential not only to exercise negative inversion, but also local color corrections (via curves as @age mentioned, or darktable color balance module).
There’s an ongoing and extremely promising effort in refurbishing negative inversion in darktable. No, actually, in making a brand new and better tool, negadoctor, by @anon41087856. I risk making bad marketing of the new tool with this messy digitezed negative and careless edit.
Here’s my try.
Since some tools need parts of unexposed film to properly invert the image, follows another image from the same film strip for that sole purpose. IMG_7286.cr2 (11.8 MB)
BTW: I’m not able to load the xmp by @gadolf (version mismatch 1!=1), @anon41087856’s xmp load nicely though. I freshly (re-)installed this morning due to missing colour pickers, so I might have a newer version in comparison with gadolf.
OK, I need to be honest and say that I was only expecting darktable posts that use the negative modules, be it the current invert or the future negadoctor. I was not expecting a neat trick primarily based on the rgb curve module!
Here’s my second try with the latest negabranch release, which I have to say, is far more easier to set up.
Given the high dynamic range of the scene, I chose to use tone equalizer to recover the shadows, which is a bit trickier because at that point in the workflow you’re still working with the negative image. The rest is only negadoctor workflow.
No, Fuji 400 ASA (does code w16b mean anything?)
Is this a problem, since the module is based on Kodak Cineon densitometry model?
EDIT: Here’s another scan from the same film. If I use only the color pickers, I end up with a somewhat greenish image. Because of that, I used color balance on the highlights. If I recall, standard Fuji prints always presented this kind of greenish look, but I may be wrong.
Sorry for the late reply, but i couldn’t resist
Here’s my attempt, using RT with the filmneg_stable_mult PR (the profiles don’t work with the 5.8 release) :
IMG_20190409_112637.dng.xmp (12.0 KB)
I relied heavily on color correction and color balance to complement the white balance. I used the “low pass filter” to go from negative to positive (is there a dedicated module ?) and used filmc rgb and luma equalizer to adjust details and dynamic. Last I used vignetting to correct the parasite light in the lower corners of this negative.
Where is this image taken ?
Hey, @clind, welcome to the forum!
You must have spent some good time doing this, right?
The outcome is very good, though.
Yes, there is, and it’s amazing. It’s the negadoctor module.
It’s still on the development master branch, so I don’t know when it will be merged into the stable version.
On top of Serra da Mantiqueira, near the Aiguilles Noires peak, Brazil.
PS.: Nice portfolio! Were all those pictures edited by FOSS?
Thanks @gadolf Took me around 20min in Darktable. Nice scenery, the altered quality gives it a mysterious feel to it too !
I hope a new DT version including the negadoctor module will be shipped soon ! I’m really eager to see how it works, @anon41087856 have been doing some really good work recently in DT.
I edit all my pictures with FOSS and have always been (Darktable - Hugin - Gimp + Shotwell).