A fairly new user here, have been running Gimp 2.10.38 on Windows 10 and 11 for a few months.
I seem to have created a four-sided box of dashed guides in an image I’m editing.
Unchecking “Show guides” makes it disappear, until I close and reopen that image in GIMP.
The manual says " To delete a guide, simply drag it outside the image", but that doesn’t seem to work for me; dragging with the Move tool causes the image to slide around instead.
How can I delete those lines?
Using the Move tool then the usual default is “Pick a layer or guide” You have to hover bang on the guide, it changes colour blue-to-red, then you can mouse-left-click and drag to a ruler. If you miss the guide, then you move the layer. The cursor changes as well.
To get rid of them all, there is the menu entry Image → Guides → Remove all Guides
“Remove all guides” did the trick; many thanks!
rich2005 is correct in what he said. I have added a screen shot of the move tools option here and it needs to be set as shown. Also to grab the guide grab it outside of the picture area because it is too easy to be a little off and grab the layer instead. If the line goes to red either way then it is selected and can be moved.
Thanks! But I see that “Pick a layer” setting does not stay after I close GIMP. How do I fix it in place between runs?
Edit > Preferences > Tools options > Save tool options now
. Warning: this saves all your current tool options, in all the tools (and the brush, pattern, FG/BG color…) so make sure these are as you want them.
The default was changed but there is the option in Edit → Preferences → Tool Options At the bottom a Move Tool option. Set it to Set Layer or Path as active.
Note this has its drawbacks for beginners. If there is transparency in the layer (typically a text layer) then the layer that is moved is the first layer under the cursor with a “solid” pixel, not always the active layer.
Thanks to everyone for your help. I’m going to need some time to digest this.