[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module

I’m not sure how to quote from other topics, so just cutting and pasting:


May '21

I am in the process of generating thumbnails after migrating my photo collection to new NAS hardware. darktable-generate-cache worked fine in the past, and it appears to be running ATM (it will take a while to finish), but I get a lot of the messages below.
I am running version 3.5.0+2093~g8a7f44d35 compiled from the git repository (I generally pull and compile each week):

[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module rawprepare for image 65851
[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module temperature for image 65851
[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module highlights for image 65851
[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module demosaic for image 65851

I am not sure where I should be looking - ist is a version incompatablility for images edited on previous versions.

I would be grateful for any advice.


I saw this question in the “processing” category, with no answers. I get the same " missing mandatory module" warnings all the time, maybe related to edits of old images with the latest DT version.

Is this anything to be worried about?

Probably for old images, do you confirm? At some point the modules with default parameters where not stored. Those should be added during the migration when you open the picture in darktable. Please do check that image 65851 has all modules properly listed in history and that the display is ok in which case you can ignore the message.


Yes its only for old images, and the messages appear when thumbnails are generated.

Here is a complete set of messages for one image:

[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module rawprepare for image 14071
[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module temperature for image 14071
[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module highlights for image 14071
[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module demosaic for image 14071
[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module colorin for image 14071
[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module colorout for image 14071
[_dev_auto_apply_presets] missing mandatory module gamma for image 14071

I dont recognise all 7 module names, but there are 7 “default” modules jn the image history:

raw black/white point
display encoding
white balance
input color profile
output color profile

The image itself is OK, So I guess it is all OK