Difficult orange flower

Good idea. I did the same with Image Magick, and got a similarly good rendition.

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Despite the age of this Play_Raw - this has been quite a learning curve.

My (simpler) 2nd attempt using what I have learnt from other folks *.xmp
My original *xmp was (37.0 KB) whereas, this one is only (15.8 KB).

5D3_0104_02.CR2.xmp (15.8 KB)


ART 1.20.2
Greetings. Roberto

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Fairly basic edit. The main thing is that I used gamut compression in color calibration to bring the red channel under control.

Same as before, but I then used the channel mixer to make the flowers more orange.

Both done in darktable. Use the JPEG as sidecar, if you want to see how I did it.


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With ART:

5D3_0104.jpg.out.arp (11.0 KB)


5D3_0104.CR2.arp (24.5 KB)

Did my best in ART


Tough. Don’t know whether I prefer the flowers red (with filmic) or more orange (with sigmoid)

5D3_0104.CR2.xmp (14.4 KB)

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My try with Filmic RGB, custom Local Contrast filter, and masked Color Balance RGB. dt 4.4.2

5D3_0104.CR2.xmp (7.5 KB)

Another round…

Pink… why not? :grin:

5D3_0104_02.CR2.xmp (14.1 KB)

Greetings from Havana, Cuba.


Another way to play with this orange is the tone eq… Since watching a few of the video’s Boris did quite some time ago he used the tone eq to tweak skies foliage etc by using the tone eq and blending in a certain channel… it works well here… loading the image in and selecting the original position on the history stack shows the massive amount of red in the flower and if you brighten things it blows out or has to be handled by filmic or sigmoid…


With only exposure and filmic… you get this sort of reddish bias…

Adding tone eq and red channel blending you can correct that… opacity tweak could further edit this…

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5D3_0104.CR2.xmp (7.4 KB)
I don’t know what shade of orange it is, pretty much just did it with channel mixer judging from how green the leaves should look like.

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I tried to process this image using simple means

  1. put the image without any profile (neutral).

  2. apply Wbauto – Temperature correlation

  3. Use Local adjustments

  • first spot on a red area of the flowers - “fullimage” - scope=30, using “Tone Equalizer” to reduce excess on the reds.
  • second spot on a green leaf - “fullimage” - scope = 68, using “Tone Equalizer” to enhance the foliage area.

Of course nothing is perfect.

5D3_0104.CR2.pp3 (18.0 KB)


In mine I have pulled the top of the Red RGB curve down, flexibly, and with haze removal on.

5D3_0104-2.jpg.out.pp3 (14.3 KB)

RT release-5.10 branch


5D3_0104.CR2.xmp (10.3 KB)

DT 4.4.2


ART, using the “Equalizer by hue” ctl filter.


This is a really interesting image to try the new primaries within sigmoid…

Just cycling through first default, smooth and aces presets with sigmoid… dramatically changes the flower… and then changing the primaries colorspace from working so usually rec2020 to srgb as was suggested in the sigmoid primaries thread as a way to manage gamut for srgb exports… again changes that flower… Cycling through those options offers several potential looks…

I am not on my pc but if I recall when I did this a few days ago I just opened the image and auto exposed it to 50% and then played with those settings…

My try with rgb primaries and color lookup table:

5D3_0104.CR2.xmp (14.0 KB)

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