Dear all digiKam fans and users!
The digiKam development team is happy to release 0.9.4-rc1. The digiKam tarball can be downloaded from SourceForge.
NEW FEATURES (since 0.9.3):
General : external libsqlite3 depency removed. sqlite3 source code is now included in digiKam core (see B.K.O #160966).
General : English words review in whole GUI by Oliver Dörr.
General : Updated internal CImg library to last stable 1.2.8 (released at 2008/04/18).
General : New search text filter for all metadata sidebar tabs.
General : New dialog to list all RAW camera supported. A search camera model tool is available to easily find a camera from list.
General : Creation of tags simplified everywhere. Multiple tags hierarchy can be created at the same time. Tags creation dialog re-designed.
General : Color theme scheme are pervasively applied in graphical interfaces, giving digiKam a real pro-look when dark schemes are selected.
General : Color theme scheme can be changed from either Editor or LightTable.
General : Add capability to display items count in all Album, Date, Tags, and Tags Filter folder views. The number of items contained in virtual or physical albums can be displayed next to its name. If a tree branch is collapsed, parent views sum-up the number of items from all undisplayed children views. Items count is performed in background by digiKam KIO-Slaves. A new option from Setup/Album dialog page can toggle on/off this feature.
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