digiKam 8.1.0 is released

Dear digiKam fans and users, After five months of active maintenance and long bugs triage, the digiKam team is proud to present version 8.1.0 of its open source digital photo manager. See below the list of most important features coming with this release. Print Creator: Add 4 new templates for 6.8 inches photo paper. General : Improve usability of Image Properties sidebar tab. Libraw : Update to snapshot 2023-05-14 Bundles : Update Exiv2 to last 0.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.digikam.org/news/2023-07-09-8.1.0_release_announcement/
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From what I can see, this years student will not implement the highly desirable grouping of similar unknown faces (ref. Picasa) when running a face recognition scan. It seems it will identify objects and put them into categories, but faces will be presented in the same unorganized mess as before. I find it strange that Picasa got this right 20(?) years ago and Digikam is still struggling how to solve this. I understand that people are working on this for free and I am grateful, but I find it strange that this is given such low priority. I hope I am wrong and that unknown faces will be grouped automatically because the face rec. workflow today is just horrible.

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My understanding is that face recognition is included in the project (title: Add Automatic Tags Assignment Tools and Improve Face Recognition Engine for digiKam). I agree that improved face recognition is much more important than automated tagging.

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I just upgraded from version 7… and now DigiKam won’t start… Any tips? I get the splash screen, says “loading plugins”, and then nothing. I don’t remember installing any plugins…

Solved. I had a shortcut in my taskbar (Windows) that had been installed with Version 7. I assumed it would work properly, as the app started, but clearly, it didn’t. I deleted the shortcut and went and found the new executable - that starts just fine. Cheers.