Digikam 8.1 possible to filter for .svg files?

As the title says:
How can I filter files in albumview to only show .svg files?

Hello, as far as I can see, you can’t filter on svg files only.

If you use the “text filter” field in the “filters” tab, make sure “Item Name” is checked, you can filter by any file extension.

You’re right, I overlooked that !

Digikam isn’t loading and not showing SVG images, regardless of the filter settings. With image magick on my system and the image magick loader plugin installed, digikam should be able to load SVG. Maybe a bug? Or did I forget something?

To let Digikam show SVGs, in the menu, go to:

Settings > Views > mime types

and fill in svg in the text field ‘Additional image file extensions’

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