DigiKam 8.6.0 questions and possibly a bug

Hi, I have installed digiKam 8.6.0 on my Windows 10 machine and have a few questions.

When I click the Help button in Settings, Help does not open. The Settings window closes and I see another window flash up quickly but it also closes. Is this a bug? Clicking the Help button when viewing the Database Statistics works.

In the Image Editor can I add more Luts to the Colour Effects section? If I can, where is the folder please?

When using G’MIC Image Editor I get an error when selecting, Apply from CLUT set. The error is, Preview Error: Unable to load specific CLUT set. Should there be CLUTs installed or do I have to add them?

I can confirm, that Help does not open in Settings. Windows 10.

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Yes, this is related to QWebEngine. I’ll fix it.


Thank you.

Great, thank you very much for that and all your hard work. I am enjoying using and learning digiKam a lot.