My locally compiled 4.8.1 appears to export metadata, rating (star count) and color labels included. Caveats: Sample size 1 and I am a long way from mastering Darktable.
I rated a test image to 1 star and added all 5 color labels for good measure, exported to test.jpg. Next I did
There are a few ways where it can look like digikam cannot read (some) metadata from darktable.
First, reading changed metadata isn’t automatic (usually), so you must tell digikam to reread the metadata for the files.
Then, you may want to check how exactly darktable exports the rating, and how digikam reads it.
As usual, there are several possible metadata items where the rating can be stored. Digikam can read several of them, with an order of preference (which can be configured in the settings). And afaik, it stops once it finds a tag it understands.
(Example: if you tell digikam to first look for the EXIF rating tag, and darktable writes its rating to another, darktable’s rating won’t be read).
Unfortunately, this is a bug in digiKam-8.4.0 that the rating value is not correctly written in the database on the first scan, only a re-read helps. The problem is fixed in git/master, packages that fix the problem are available at the end of August.