Hi there, I found the functionality to generate a slideshow in Digikam. I would like to export this slideshow as a movie file under Digikam 5 and Ubuntu 16.04. In the past, there seems to have been a Kipi plugin that allows this export functionality but I cannot find it in the handful of Kipi plugins that show up in my version of Digikam. Any thoughts on how to accomplish this? Thanks so much, Marius
I’m not sure. Maybe @dmpop might have seen an option somewhere?
Which version of digiKam are you using? My guess is that the plugin you are talking about hasn’t been ported to digiKam 5.x.
I wasn’t able to find the option either and forwarded your question to the digikam users email group.
Here is what I got from digiKam devs team:
I guess the best suggestion for you would be to find that file in bugzilla and second there.
Some users use ffdiaporama
for this, after selecting the photos in digikam
ffdiaporama looks interesting, but it looks like it is a dead project too:
Builds of ffDiaporama 2.2 for Ubuntu 16.04.
I don’t know what to say here. I guess if you are not willing to deal with ffdiaporama the best idea would be to submit ‘Slideshow export to mp4’ as a proposed feature on kde bugzilla / digikam.
Unless there are better options out there…
Actually it does not look that dead on Github.com
I see last commit was 4 months ago. For such a simple tool which is just a ffmpeg script it is fine.
I don’t know what to say here.
It was just a note, so nobody is surprised. Perhaps someone is interested in maintaining it.
Actually it does not look that dead on Github.com
The Githup project is just about building the Ubuntu Packages, it has no code changes.
For such a simple tool which is just a ffmpeg script it is fine.
The tool has 47,085 lines of C++ code, I would it not call a simple script:
I tried ffdiaporama and it seems to be mature software. It did exactly what I wanted it to do, and so much more. For now, this is a robust solution if you would like to generate slideshows from images on Linux. Marius
@Marius I am glad it worked for you!
If you want to followup with the digiKam team please post this issue on bugs.kde.org. You can do so right from the menubar in digiKam (About - Submit Bug)
@Andrius - great idea. I submitted a bug report. Thanks, Marius
I thought this news might be of an interest to you: