digiKam Recipes 20.01.11 released

The first revision of the digiKam Recipes book in 2020 is here, and it packs new content. The latest version of digiKam features the Healing Clone tool, and the Remove dust spots and imperfections with the Healing Clone tool part explains how to use this supremely useful feature. Starting with digiKam 6.4, you can use external RAW processing engines, and the Process RAW files with UFRaw part provides information on how to work with RAW photos using the UFRaw tool.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.digikam.org/news/2020-01-07_digikam_recipes_20_01_11/

I purchased this on amazon’s Kindle Store two years ago. Anybody knows how long does it take for this book to get updated in my library?

Should be instant

Well, in my case it is not - I still only see the revision 19.11.11 :frowning_face:
I’ve tried the Kindle cloud reader in my browser and the Kindle app on my Android - both show the same (old) version. :thinking:

Actually the article does not list kindle as a publishing end point. Perhaps @dmpop can clarify if he still pushes to the kindle store?

Hi Andrej,

It seems that Amazon stopped automatic updates of Kindle content. Please reach me at dmpop@linux.com for instructions on how to get the latest version of the book. Thanks!

Kind regards,

The book is available on Amazon, but I stopped advertising the fact, as both Google Play and Gumroad offer better user experience.

Kind regards,

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The main page for the Recipes Book still has an active link to the Amazon site for the Kindle edition. If it’s really not an edition that you recommend, maybe consider removing the link?

Nik Stathopoulos

You are absolutely right! I’ll fix this. Thanks for pointing out this issue!

The Link is still there

I know. I plan to fix it with the next book release.