Dimensions of the image in the editor and its fixity

Unlike darktable, the image in the editor is floating, smaller in size, and leaving parts not covered by the image at the top and bottom of the image window.
On my screen:
In darktable the image measures 156 X 233 mm. the side panels are 73mm.
In ART the image measures 150 X 225 mm. The side panels are 77mm.

  1. Is it possible in ART to scale the image and side panels to the dimensions of the image in darktable’s darkroom so as to have a larger image?

  2. Is it possible to fix the image in its window (even by option in the software preferences).

Far from me the idea of wanting to transform ART into DT but I see a little more comfort of use.
I let you judge …

Bonjour, I’m afraid that I don’t understand your problem.

  1. The image is floating? What does that mean? Did you try to hit F to start with? (= show whole photo).
  2. Size and uncovered parts of the photo: it’s better to talk pixels instead of mm, as the size in mm can be influenced by that 90/96 dpi thing of monitors. And I’ve never seen any kind of uncovered space in ART…

Yes, the image “floats” in its window. On an image, you left click without releasing the button and you can move the image. This is problematic when you zoom in / out because you always have to relocate the image or press the “F” key. By fixing the image in its window we avoid this floating. See Darktable. Zoom in and out in darktable you notice that the image remains fixed in its window. (Google Translate)
Little vidéo

Trying to answer.

It’s by design and useful when you zoom in above “fit whole image to screen shortcut f” and you want to look at different detailed region of photo. In this case, the image has to float in the display window, unless you can see only the same small portion.
Effectively, when you progressively undo the zomming after pixel peeping at different locations, you don’t go back to a centered dispaly.

When zooming out under “fit whole image to screen”, the image can be entirely dispayed in the display window, surely it should stay centered in the window.
I never noticed that as I have no use to do that.

I don’t really understand that as the photo and the display window don’t necessarily have the same dimensions ratio.
You can also shrink the lateral panels if you want for better viewing.

Cathedrale, porte Mars. Vous êtes rémois?

En fait, dans Darktable, quand on veut zoomer pour voir, par exemple, le coin haut droit de l’image, on l’indique avec le curseur de la souris et, sans le bouger, on zoom avec la molette. Et c’est vers ce coin haut droit que le zoom agit. C’est très bien fait.
Non, je ne suis pas Rémois. Mon père l’était. Je suis né à Châlons en Champagne et je suis Lillois aujourd’hui.

Le coup de la molette qui zoome là où est le curseur, fonctionne aussi avec ART (je viens juste de tester). Après, oui, une option qui bloque/recadre automatiquement l’image quand celle-ci est entièrement contenue dans le cadre, pourquoi pas.