DIY Dry-Boxes: Thoughts?

I bought a bunch of polypropylene boxes last week that ended up being completely unsuitable for their originally intended purpose; now that the uncontrollable fit of rage I subsequently flew into has finally simmered down, I’ve decided that (instead of nailing them to a Frizbee and flinging them over a rainbow) I’d put them to good use: I’ve decided to build some DIY dry-boxes.

I’ve been planning on a project like this for quite some time, so I 've got a very clear vision of what I want to achieve and how to go about it; nontheless, I’d be very grateful for any thoughts and comments from those who have embarked on a similar quest. :thinking:

Not sure what you mean but IMHO a dry box (depending where you live) is quite essential. You don’t want moldy lenses. And they are quite cheap too. Mine displays °C and rH%

I would not trust silica gel. It works for sure, but you may forget to check.

Interesting. What would you use instead of silica gell?

An electric dry box. I mean, silica gel works, but does not last very long, so you need to ‘blue’ it quite often. And get a hydrometer to measure what’s going on.!

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