Do I get it right, I will not be allowed to decide where to install, forever?

Tried to install 1.2.5. but found I’m still not in charge to do that on my system? Is it a new info that one can install on different drives, may need to? Wasn’t that an issue, let me guess at Windows 95 times?

Please tell me I’m wrong and why

ps: Sorry, I’m really really REALLY kind of angry, What The Folder

This is a place for discussing FOSS image software, which are programs that people has created on their spare time and made available to you for free. If you want to come to this forum to get support, I believe it’s not the best approach to vent your anger, since you have not paid anything and are not in a position to demand anything.

Ask politely, and first of all, state which piece of software you have trouble with.


Yes, you are right. I’m sorry about that.
It is about S.I.R.I.L, here the Version 1.2.5 (I thought this is the SIRIL forum)
I would like to know how to install the software in a different directory than C: or why there wouldn’t be a selection?

And again, I’m sorry. It’s just I have no idea how it could be true in 2024 there may be a “semi-professional” at least software, that doesn’t allow me to select a drive. In these times, where logic and proven solutions get wiped for worse everywhere, I lost it, sorry.

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This is not possible.
An eye on the documentation:

You could try this…

Yeah that is why I was totally stunned after reading the manual.
I have no idea why in 2024 software would prevent a selection, looks very out of any logical reason. Or is there?

Thank’s, I’ll fiddle around with that then if i have to, just don’t get the reason why it’s done like it is.

There’s a technical reason that was taken by our Windows developer. I can’t remember which one at the moment, as I don’t use Windows, but I trust her completely.

the funny thing is that we’re in 2024 and windows still exists, crazy world indeed!


I just wonder how every other software can do that and don’t see any reason for it.
But thanks for the help.

Download the portable version and you can put it where ever you want.

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I’m Siril Windows developper so I guess I can explain why. This is probably due to other software having:

  • a herd of professional Windows devs making probably a better work than myself
  • and/or some people motivated enough to support Windows users and address all the complaints

Turns out I’m the Windows developper by default, meaning out of the 4 devs making Siril a thing, I’m the only one running on Windows. Windows users are, I believe, our biggest user community, and still, whenever there’ s a problem related to the OS, I’m the one on the line trying to address their concerns, simply because I’m the one that can test on that OS.
I came to dev’ing Siril because I love statistics and I’ve learnt to love homographies. And yet, I’ve spent countless hours improving our builds, our pipelines, checking any 3rd party integration, supporting the community, you name it. Believe you me, I would be much better off if I was on Linux.

So forcing the installation folder ensures that:

  • people don’t install in silly places like an old HDD and then complain that Siril runs awfully slow
  • people don’t install in silly places like a path with wide chars and suddenly Windows decides it does not understand where that is
  • I can direct people who have no clue on where programs get installed where Siril is actually installed and what DLLs are there.

This is FOSS here, so unless you want to commit to supporting this community and taking the burden off my shoulders, you are not allowed to decide where you install Siril with the official installer (and how I spend my free time).



hi issou8,
just saw your answer here. Thank you so much for the work you and the others put into it. I would like to help, but my programming skills, never used a lot, are ooooooold. I’m talking decades, so I guess I wouldn’t be of much help :wink:
Another point to consider Linux.
Happy new year