Do you believe Huawei is spying on it's western users? And other related and non related stuff.

Of course, but we have ways of protecting ourselves in many of those cases. But when it comes to hardware only protection we have is buyers choice. Now how do we make it if our privacy mindfulness is being used against us by US to crush China. Maybe next time there is a legitimate concern, we won’t listen. Yeah, it seems this is more of a political question. Ah well, can’t blame US and China for trying I guess xD

The reason I was focusing on Huawei is because it’s an OEM. And I was concerned about hidden hardware capability of a phone or any other device that might be dedicated for spying on it’s user.

We can deal with governments and telcos spying on us if we must with software, but we can’t deal with a device that has spy capabilities on a hardware level (I don’t even know what those would be but I imagine it has been done and can be done). All we can do is not buy it.

The reason I’ve even brought up privacy related topic is because today I was forced to have a meeting on ZOOM. An app which I thought I might avoid registering to. So it made me think about other privacy issues too and then I’ve found that sweet new Huawei laptop leak xD

I agree, it probably won’t be of any value but I’m that way that if I had the chance I’d live like RMS xD
Then again RMS would probably disavow me even tho I’m doing so much privacy maintenance.

But you’re right, if I like it maybe I should just get it. If the screen will be 100% sRGB and if the price is going to be cheap, I’m probalby buying it.

Hi @KristijanZic

The reason I’ve even brought up privacy related topic is because today I was forced to have a meeting on ZOOM.

If you really don’t want to get spied by anyone you might follow the example of Bernardo Provenzano. He was the supreme boss of the Italian Mafia. He has only little schooling (elementary school, that is 5 years in total in Italy) .
ALL his messages with his mafia affiliates (hitmen and so on) were through “pizzini” which are scraps of papers were Provenzano wrote his orders. NO phones (different sim cards etc), no computers (by way of crypted hard disks etc) etc. Needless to say, at the time (early 2000s), there was not ZOOM or other chats but I am 100% sure he would have not used them either :slight_smile:

Btw, spying has always existed. From Giulio Cesare’s encrypted messages to Lenin. The latter was kindly “sponsored” by the Germans, during the first world war. They paid his trip in train from Switzerland to Saint Peterbourg where he contributed to topple the Tsarism regime.

Oh stop it, you’re too funny :see_no_evil: Do I look to you like Bernardo Provenzano? Come on man … Italian mafia… lol

edit: I meant Bernardo Provenzano xD

Hello @KristijanZic

Do I look to you like Toto Riina?

Nope! :slight_smile:

However, as an Italian, I can assure you that the real “mafiosi” in Italy always claim that mafia does NOT exist :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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I meant to write Bernardo Provenzano, in a sarcastic way.

Because they are mostly in prison or dead.
Still, thank god they moved on from waging war against the government to more economic crimes xD. I mean that time was crazy both for Italy and Croatia.

Btw, I don;t know why they always hide here. Like we’re some lawless state. Just last year we’ve captured Il Moro from the Mala del Brenta.
Maybe if he used GPG he would still be free hahah xD

I think you should buy devices based on performance and believe that there are a few Chinese manufacturers with some fine technology worthy of appraisal, particularly in the cell phone camera department.
As for spying, it is probably the second oldest profession, and I’m pretty sure anything I do will surprise no one…what a boring life I must lead!!
I would say that a good degree of surveillance can help bring peace of mind, I am always cautious walking around many Western cities late at night and have been saved by various law enforcement officers when I’ve got into areas I shouldn’t have naively walked into (and subsequently been harassed because of it). Yet I feel very safe walking around Metropolitan Chinese areas in the small hours, simply because of their surveillance technology, and have nothing to hide from the authorities, who are trying to protect people.
Go buy the technology that best suits your needs unless your name is Bond…James Bond :rofl::rofl:

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Yeah, I agree. I do my best with software just because I think it’s a good practice to stay private, but I probably won’t boycott Huawei anymore. The US-China stuff has kept me from buying their phone twice now. I went with Samsung like that’s any better lmao

I’m aware of all of those except the author you mentioned and it seems pretty cool :smiley:

“Completely rewritten Second Edition (2020) presents the definitive 565-page privacy manual. Michael Bazzell has helped hundreds of celebrities, billionaires, and everyday citizens completely disappear from public view. He is now known in Hollywood as the guy that “fixes” things. His previous books about privacy were mostly REACTIVE and he focused on ways to hide information, clean up an online presence, and sanitize public records to avoid unwanted exposure. This textbook is PROACTIVE. It is about starting over. It is the complete guide that he would give to any new client in an extreme situation. It leaves nothing out, and provides explicit details of every step he takes to make someone completely disappear, including document templates and a chronological order of events.”

It looks promising, good reviews too. I don’t know why I would ever need it. But I’m reading this for sure. :smiley:
Hopefully it doesn’t make me wanna start dressing myself in tin foil :joy:

I’ve red the Snowden’s book the first night when it came out. It doesn’t really go into any details it’s more about psychology, his experience, motivations etc. It’s more like it’s written to inspire the next leaker than to warn the public. At least that’s how I saw it. It could have been better.

I hope Assange gets freed and writes a book. He for sure must have a lot to say.

Thanks, I actually haven’t read any of those yet. Have you actually read all of these on social engineering? What for?

On that topic I only have this one, although it goes a lot into practical stuff:

While we’re sharing books, back in highschool I was very fascinated by Douglas Rushkoff books. “Present shock” was particularly, well, shocking:

Rushkoff really gave me the thought perspective about tech so that you can use tech to your advantage and not being used by it like most people from the newer generations probably are. “Slaves” to their devices and pleasure response.

Hello @KristijanZic

Since you are so concerned about security you might try to run Darktable 3.4 on FreeBSD [1] and let us know how it behaves :slight_smile:


What is FreeBSD giving us over Linux?

Hello @paperdigits

They (FreeBSD) claim their system is much more secure than Linux.

If @KristijanZic switches to FreeBSD (probably very unlikely…) he might rule over all users :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hello @subliminal

Thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

I have suggested FreeBSD because it is listed as a sytem where Darktable runs [1] and @KristijanZic is a power-user of this software.
I suppose Darktable should run also on OpenBSD though…

[1] install | darktable

I’m not concerned by security, I just like to keep in mind and think about it from time to time.

@Silvio_Grosso You know that I run FreeBSD and not Linux or Windows right? BSD > GPL. More freedom.

Also, I don’t get the joke.

Edit: Before I see a bunch of comments in the morning. I’m just joking, I don’t actually use FreeBSD although I have tried at one point but man, it was the worst experience ever. And I’m sure FreeBSD is fine and I was just a noob but I’m not giving it a try any time soon. Especially now that Ubuntu ships with ZFS and DTrace is also available for Linux since last year. Life is good.

They don’t need to they just ask Google for the data they need…ha ha

Yes, of course. I do use ddg but I always end up just !g

Just imagine this, if west implements Chinese style social scoring and they don’t have enough data on me compared to others and my social score ends up being so low I cannot even travel. Who ends up having the last laugh then? Just a thought :crazy_face:

I never said I was a power user of Darktable. What would that even entail? Most people here know more about DT internals than I do. It’s a GUI software with it’s set of features available to everyone. Hidden features are just hidden because of scene/display referred differences. What would be considered as power use? I’d say I’m an ordinary user.

I would like to get the Huawei Mate something for its 7200fps video capability. But the no-google is one point, and the very high price is major reason not to get it

I don’t worry too much on any spy issue with phones. But I would worry about large infrastructure projects by them. Chinese companies are all very government obedient. If their gov asks for information they will not hesitate to provide it. There is no rule of law involved.