Do you want a straight out of camera JPEG style in darktable? Here we help each other

I agree we should stick to style but lets face it filmic is the main player in a style that will use the scene-referred workflow so as long as the discussion sticks to how one might better use DT to best match a jpg is still on topic as far as I can see. Not that I really care one way or the other. I think one experiment would be to actually see how people do on a few photos that they struggle with using both workflows rather than compare against each other. Is it that one or the other is actually better and easier to get the jpg look. Then maybe the answer is use that one. If it turns out not to be scene referred then maybe use scene referred for the technical advantages it can offer but don’t try to shape it in to the jpg look as the other method is better suited for that particular goal… In any even it will be interesting to see what people propose.

This is my little modification I mentioned earlier to the colormatch script to use it with a Spyderchecker 24. The raw/jpg matched icc gives nice results in my opinion…and could assist in getting closer to the jpg out of the gate.

Colormatch Script Modification Instructions.pdf (268.7 KB)

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