Does anybody have sensitometric curve data for push-processed color film?

I’m developing a hobby project to simulate projected motion picture film images by mapping linear raw pixel values to (positive) print film transmittance values, using a composite of negative density curves and print density curves that come from the actual curves in the manufacturer’s datasheets.

It uses RawTherapee-CLI with a linear profile to do the demosaicing, denoising, and white balance and then my Python code takes over. I could have used rawpy but I don’t know how to make the denoising work and it only has two white balance options. It also doesn’t have Amaze.

I’ve got it working well for simulating Kodak Double-X and Plus-X negative b&w film along with 2302 b&w print film, at arbitrary development times (I’m interpolating between the multiple curves-per-film given in the data sheets).

By “working well” I mean that I can create good, filmic color images by applying this process to the RGB channels individually, and the parameters (to simulate varying the negative/positive development time scene exposure & darkroom exposure) work in a way that makes sense. I do not have any actual film images with these stocks to do a comparison with, and probably never will.

But I’m interested in extending the model to color reversal film and then if that’s a success I can try color negative composited with a positive print. I have the real world data for 5245, 5298, and 5386 ready to go, but the color process is a much more involved simulation (reversal should be easy though).

One thing I’d like to do is simulate different development times with color film like I’m doing with b&w, but very few color film data sheets include multiple density curves the way b&w ones usually do, not even a “contrast index/gamma vs. time” inset. I’ve found one, a Portra film, with curves for different push stops. I was hoping for a motion picture stock. Google is no help.

Anyway, I thought I should ask if anybody knew of a source for this data, either from a manufacturer or a paper in a journal or a hobbyist who’s made their own, etc.


Is any of this sort of data here useful… I think there was some time and temperature curves ~ 10.6??

If you were one of my doctoral students, I’d tell you to find an easier topic… :laughing:

Only experience I have with pushed film was Tri-X to ASA 4000 using HC-110 developer replenisher, not exactly what Mother Nature intended. Kind of a crapshoot, I met a fellow last year while chasing trains that specializes in color film - based production, he might be able to provide source data for your endeavor:

Tell him Glenn Butcher, Matt’s dad, sent you…

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Is there a link in your comment? It’s not visible on mobile.

It’s still easier than simulating black hole collapse!

And thanks for the link, I’ll try contacting him through his company.

You are two decades late … back then all the stuff required was in the studio I worked at. 8x10" slide printer, E6 with highly reproducable results, MacBeth colorimeter, densitometer, …

I myself was a few years too late to think of doing something like that. Go figure.

There might be some readings from Kodak Ektachrome in pull development in my analogue archive. You can remind me in July to take a look - until then I am too occupied with finishing my bachelor thesis and final semester exams and what not.


Shoot not sure what happened it was from Kodak… I will see if I can find it again…