Don't watch this video.

It’s just a ranty vlog about how I suddenly and unexpectedly lost pretty much all interest in macro photography and it’s mostly for me in an attempt to make sense of why this happened.


I’ve always wondered how one goes from loving something to moving away from it without there being an obvious, sometimes high impact, reason.

In this case it is rather nice that your love for street photography is alive and kicking. I’ve had experience where my love for something did not move to another sub-genre but completely disappeared and leaves you with this melancholy feeling. Getting rid of all the “evidence” seems, at least for me, the only way to put it fully behind you. It is indeed rather strange how that works.

Nice of you to put this to film and post this monologue.

BTW: I was born and raised fairly close to the Grolsch Brewery, founded 400+ years ago. I’m not that much of a beer person but I love a cold Groslch. Also: I love the 125 year old green beugelfles and that very nice sound it makes when opening it for the first time.

EDIT: licking->kicking

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It is indeed strange how this happened and that feeling of melancholy and nostalgia is very real.

I do hope it’s not permanent and my interest for macro comes back, because I really did have some priceless moments shooting bugs early in the morning, when there was still dew, just when the sun was coming up. That smell, that sound… Sigh.

I am a big beer nerd and Grolsch is really good. Ditto on the pop - it is very satisfying.