DPreview: How to edit professional beauty images with GIMP on Linux


Saw this linked on reddit yesterday… DPReview is still mining content from reddit I see :wink:

Shane has some great videos. I sent him an email and asked him to join us, but never heard back.

Impressive :slight_smile: .

Direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIYtZT7CUAI

It unfortunate that he kept going to Filters > Blur > Gaussian Blur several times in row, without altering the filter settings, while he could have just hit Ctrl+F to reapply the effect… He kept using custom keyboard shortcuts to speed up the process, using Crtl+F would have made it even quicker.

I do that more than I would like to admit. Then again, I don’t use shortcuts much, when I should.

Yes, me too, but since it’s a tutorial, and it’s supposed to show that you can use Gimp for “pro” beauty work, and since time is money for pro, I’m expecting to see the things done as quick as they can be :wink:

Totally agree :slight_smile:.

It also showed a problematic gimp behaviour. Zooming is quite slow which means frequent zooming out/in way to far without any means of stopping it. Happened to me today at work with someone looking over my shoulder discussing an image.

Panning, zooming a bit, panning , zoo gaaaah trapped in a vortex gaah with the image slowly zooming itself smaller and smaller until it disappears. Myself and colleague left to stare at the shrinking image for a long time unable to stop it zooming out. We have quite beefy hardware and 32gb ram. Win7 at work however which makes it worse than on Linux.

Yeah I saw that “self” zooming out in the video… Not the best advertising for Gimp…

It’s the sort of thing that frustrates basic flow when working. The most annoying type of “bug” imho. Besides performance i really like the recent RC gimps though. Lots of nice little tweaks.

Don’t forget that the video was recorded using a development version of GIMP, not a stable release. A development build has no obligation to be fast; performance tuning comes later.