DSCF8057.RAF (26.5 MB)
DSCF8186.RAF (28.2 MB)
DSCF7991.RAF (26.1 MB)
I find that macro shots are always a challenge to edit when it comes to color balancing and getting a pleasing image, so why not see what people can do with these images? Enjoy
I find that macro shots are always a challenge to edit when it comes to color balancing and getting a pleasing image, so why not see what people can do with these images? Enjoy
Wow, those are excellent photos! How do you get her to pose long enough? The snakedoctors around here are always very defensive, and take flight when you come within a few steps of them. Then they harry you, darting at you and back away in an instant.
@hatsnp Just one word. Envy!!! :-)))
Here is my attempt, performed in vkdt, since I am presently trying to learn to handle that special developer:
DSCF8057.RAF.cfg (3.7 KB)
Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden
RT 5.9
DSCF7991.jpg.out.pp3 (13.5 KB)
Thank you It was a lot of trial and error, my lens is a bit long so it helped quite a bit (97mm full frame equiv). I tried to approach it slowly and without casting a shadow as that somehow frightened them. Once squatting close to it I had a few seconds to focus/compose and then make slight adjustments rocking back and forward while burst shooting and hopefully get something in focus as it was hard to see with sunlight and the camera so low. Tilt screen helped a lot in this situation too.
What lens was used here?
It was a Laowa 65mm f2.8.
I like the dramatic colors here, gives it a completely different feel and works very well
Good ones(and the one above), very sharp and I like the color, seems very faithful to what it looked like if a little too saturated, but in this context works very well imo.
Love the accentuated but “naturalistic” colours in this one. Simple, but very effective!
Wow, especially for the plant.
great colours!