Drops and Splashes

So I set up my Splashart Mark II water drop controller at the weekend, after making a new batch of water drop liquid.

Apparently adding Xanthan Gum to the water in the dropper reservior makes the droplets more cohesive by increasing the viscosity of the water.

So Mixing some water, with a drop of milk, some xanthum gum and some blue food colouring into the drop reserviour, and adding some coloured card for a background, I came up with these images after bit of tweaking in darktable!

Certainly a fast way to fill up an memory card as well! ~515 images captured in just over an hour and a half session!


Why is there such a clear boundary between the blue and purple in e.g. the 1st image, trying to work out what’s happening…

Love the third one - an Alien! :alien: :space_invader:

Possibly the reflections from the coloured card I used as a backdrop.