dt: darktable-log.txt: many entries of 'pango-CRITICAL' - should I worry?

This log file, covered the 1st 6 days of 2022, (but very little time of dt running) contains about 18,100 entries which include the phrase ‘Pango-CRITICAL’. Is this a user error or is there something I should be worrying about ?

no one can tell you if you don’t provide the whole message :wink:
If darktable is not crashing and working fine then it’s obviously not that critical…

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Beg pardon. Last 6 messages are:

Have you attempted to modify CSS either in the theme files or the preferences screen?

Not to my knowledge.

I tried changing the font sizes - but that was last year; I returned them to the default after ‘playing’ wit the options for a short while

I had a similar problem with Arch Linux in the last weeks when I was still using the git version of dt before the official release of 3.8.

I had to downgrade pango to get dt working again.

In the meantime it works with the current version (1.50.3-1) of pango on my Arch Linux installation.