DT script manager missing

I had problems with the Lua scripts and thought, if I disable and re-enable them I could solve the problems. Unfortunately I have achieved exactly the opposite, because now I do not manage to get the script manager displayed. I have DT 4.42. At the place where the script manager should be displayed is yawning emptiness. The settings for the LUA scripts are such that the script manager should be displayed. I have uninstalled DT and the LUA scripts and reinstalled them, but unfortunately without success. The script manager remains invisible.
Does anyone have any idea what I can do? I would be grateful for any help.
P.S.: I am a Linux newbie.

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How have you installed DT? What distro are you using? Is git installed on your system?

Are you by chance on windows and is there a space in your username?

I am using DT on Mint 21.1. I installed DT, GIT and LUA via the application management. My username does not contain a space.

Can you run darktable from a terminal with the -d lua flag and post the output?

1,6291 LUA ERROR : cannot open /home/tmemmel/.config/darktable/luarc: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

in a terminal run

echo "require \"tools/script_manager\"" > $HOME/.config/darktable/luarc

Thanks, you made my evening!

To add: I wanted to use the EnfuseAdvanced. I selected three images, set the parameters in the export and DT exported, in the further process DT crashed and as a result the parameter settings of the EnfuseAdvanced were gone. I will try this again now.

Hello @wpferguson … I have just encountered a similar problem since my last package update - is it possible some change in lua now doesn’t like the script_manager.lua?

/opt/darktable/bin/darktable -d lua
darktable 4.5.0+828~g13c3c99e8
Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Johannes Hanika and other contributors.

Compile options:
  Bit depth              -> 64 bit
  Debug                  -> DISABLED
  SSE2 optimizations     -> ENABLED
  OpenMP                 -> ENABLED
  OpenCL                 -> ENABLED
  Lua                    -> ENABLED  - API version 9.2.0
  Colord                 -> ENABLED
  gPhoto2                -> ENABLED
  GMIC                   -> DISABLED - Compressed LUTs NOT supported
  GraphicsMagick         -> ENABLED
  ImageMagick            -> DISABLED
  libavif                -> DISABLED
  libheif                -> ENABLED
  libjxl                 -> ENABLED
  OpenJPEG               -> ENABLED
  OpenEXR                -> ENABLED
  WebP                   -> ENABLED

See https://www.darktable.org/resources/ for detailed documentation.
See https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/issues/new/choose to report bugs.

     1.7576 LUA ERROR : error loading module 'tools/script_manager' from file '/home/martin/.config/darktable/lua/tools/script_manager.lua':
        /home/martin/.config/darktable/lua/tools/script_manager.lua:516: invalid escape sequence near '"dir /b/s \s'

Line 516 seems innocuous - I haven’t been editing the file, so I don’t know why it would change. Here’s the line from my script_manager.lua

    find_cmd = "dir /b/s \s" .. script_dir .. "\\*.lua\" | sort"

Any help appreciated.

It’s fixed, but you’ll have to go in your lua scripts directory and do a git pull

Just recently the same problem appeared on my installation (Windows 10, darktable 4.4.2). This has appeared out of nowhere - no installation change, no driver change, no options change in darktable, not even a system (Windows) restart, just regular quit of darktable (ctrl+q) and start again.
I tried restarting darktable, restarting Windows, uninstalling&reinstalling datrktable with no effect. The script manager is invisible and configured scripts unavailable …
Any ideas, how to tackle the problem?

Open a terminal. Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\darktable\lua. Type git pull and hit enter.

@wpferguson : Thank you for the info! I did this, git successfully finished, but after starting darktable, the script manger is still not showing - so, no effect.

@wpferguson: I also did this for the folder %LOCALAPPDATA%\darktable\lua-scripts, also successful git command, but no effect (i. e. no script manager) in darktable.

Both Windows folders concerned are:

When you ran the command did you get output similar to this?

remote: Enumerating objects: 8, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
remote: Total 5 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), 888 bytes | 148.00 KiB/s, done.
From https://github.com/darktable-org/lua-scripts
   d55dae7..867c49b  master     -> origin/master
Updating d55dae7..867c49b
 tools/script_manager.lua | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

If you didn’t then try the following sequence of commands

git checkout master 
git pull --rebase origin master

If that still doesn’t work then open tools/script_manager.lua in wordpad.

Find the line (its line 516)

find_cmd = "dir /b/s \s" .. script_dir .. "\\*.lua\" | sort"

and change it to

find_cmd = "dir /b/s \"" .. script_dir .. "\\*.lua\" | sort"

then save it.

@wpferguson: My output was similar - here the screenshot:

Do you mean to do

git checkout master 
git pull --rebase origin master

for each of the two folders?

You’re on the right commit, 867c49b, so that’s not the problem.

in your darktablerc file look for the line
plugins/lighttable/1/script_manager_visible=TRUE. If it’s set to FALSE then script manager will run but not show up. If it is false, set it to TRUE.

EDIT: The visibility issue is fixed in master, but wont show up until December.


It is already set to TRUE, but still no file manager visible …

I also checked this:

and it is already as it should be …

In my darktablerc, I have the lines:


In my darktablerc there are the following lines in the “scripts_install”:

so, there is no “debug” …