Early morning rain

The main thing I noticed, based on both @age’s and @sls141’s edits, is the difference in white balance. Both warmer and I think, in the end, a better base to build upon then my settings even though they are a tad too warm for my taste.

I really have to have a much better look at the global tonemap module used by sls141, that module still eludes me.

At the moment I like age’s colour version and sls141 B&W versions best.

Thanks for the contributions thus far!

Ah! the title was misleading :grinning: with warm balance its rather late evening rain

I tried to get a little more detail.

early.morning.rain.rw2.xmp (11.0 KB)


@Thomas_Do: Nice. That does make the details come out better.

You also used the tone mapping module and it does create a positive effect on the overall image; I really need to have a look at that one!

Not sure if I like the use of the tone equalizer it seems a bit unnatural, but that might just be me.

Thanks fro giving me something to look at/learn from.

No, you are right! Was just a quick edit and the tone equalizer was not helpful :wink: .

Edit: Version w/o tone equalizer.

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RT 5.8

early.morning.rain.jpg.out.pp3 (12,2 KB)

The mood of this shot is awesome !

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Early morning, not night, so the sky can become a little brighter. Some of the edits (incl. the original) suppressed the rain a little too much for the picture title - tuned noise reduction for enough detail at the rain drop traces. I did find the tone equalizer useful for some more detail in the dark parts. One could smooth out the sky more with a drawn+parametric mask.

early.morning.rain.dabbler.rw2.xmp (6.2 KB)


Yes. The rain, or visible lack thereof in my edit was one of the issues I had. I kept running into increasing sharpness would also increased noise and denoise would negate the increase in sharpness…

I’ll have a look at how you got this detail to show up.

I’m not sure about the lighter sky: This was one very dark rainy morning, around or not very much after official sun-up. Artistic interpretation :slight_smile:

early.morning.rain.jpg.out.pp3 (12.7 KB)


So one more artistic interpretation :wink:

early.morning.rain.jpg.out.pp3 (13.0 KB)

I was also very interested in keeping visible the rain, and giving the feeling that the sky was getting lighter.

And finally, being a high contrast image, I have enhanced the highlight areas. Mostly to make it look how I imagine I would have seen the scene in real life.


Actually I agree with you.
But I am watching “Stranger Things” on Netflix … thus the creepy atmosphere of mine :stuck_out_tongue:

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After seeing so many different interpretations and having a look at, where possible, the techniques used, I decided to give it another try myself.

A somewhat lighter, warmer and more detailed version and one I am more pleased with.

early.morning.rain.rw2.02.xmp (12.8 KB) darktable 3.1.0 this time.


Using RT 5.8 for this very interesting image.

early.morning.rain.jpg.out.pp3 (12.2 KB)


Nice crop and although not as warm as some of the others I kinda like this one. I can almost feel the cold wind and rain coming down looking at this one. :cloud_with_rain:

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I do enjoy recent dark images. Lots of fun to play with. At this time, I don’t have any inspiration. Will post something once I do. :slight_smile:

Those who like to experiment, I issue a challenge: make it look like it is noon and without rain. :stuck_out_tongue: There are interesting algorithms out there that deal with each but use what you have. If you can program something, all the power to you! :nerd_face:

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Please do! Then again: I’d rather see you do your own challenge :smile:

That would be a cool thing to do.

I have to admit though that I don’t have a clue at the moment how to approach this. Making it all lighter and changing the colours/tint should be doable (I think. Maybe.). Removing the rain on the other hand… Hhmmmm…

Second version, this time with ART:

early.morning.rain.jpg.out.arp (11,6 KB)


I know why the first one was dark, you explained, but I like this one a whole lot better.

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trying a noon look, but not really able to suppress the mist under the light

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Thanks for attempting my unusual challenge. It is one because it won’t be easy.