Editing phots using digiKam

I’ve finallly got round to making sense of my 25 years worth of folders dated yy/mm/dd (often with unhelpful names by me!). I’ve not used digiKam before. Its an amazing bit of software - the face recognition is unreal. The tagging will enable me (or others) to navigate the thousands of photos I have amassed. I realised that the vast majority I’ve not looked at since I uploaded them.

Anyway a quick question; the editing of photos looks basic but good enough for most of my needs (the resize is really slick as I need to resize for displaying on my tv via Amazon photos). Do people edit photos in digiKam or simply once tagged etc gone into darktable or Rawtherapee to edit them?

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Most of the time, I manage the catalogue with Digikam: keywords, notation, legend.
I develop with ART, especially as I learn how to use it.
That said, Digikam has useful tools, such as borders, text, etc.

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Along with Digikam, the Showfoto editing program is installed.

Not only that, but I see digiKam has g’mic. It has automatically linked to my g’mic settings I applied in GIMP so I can also apply my folder of LUTS!

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I do all the organisation and metadata stuff in digikam but use darktable for raw processing. I only sometimes use digikams editing features when I want to do some basic adjustment on a sooc jpeg (usually just cropping or rescaling).

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