Enter the carousel and go round

Hello, the last times that I visited Italy - regretfully too long ago - I always shot b&w, analogue. I guess it’s for that reason that my first idea with this photo was to make a b&w version. Somewhat dreamy. Done in ART.

20221227_0094-1.jpg.out.arp (11.6 KB)

Edit. Hmm, the photo in ART looks different than the one posted above, see for example the statue on the top/roof of the churches, in ART it’s black, not here above… Recently upgraded to Xubuntu 22.04, perhaps the problem lies there.


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Nice render, I like it. A little bit of halo around the persons, but not a big problem. Thanks.

20221227_0094.pfi (85.3 KB)


Very nice! and similar to the apostel338’s one, with a different crop. One of my favorites so far.

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A great image. Thanks for sharing.
My try in GIMP. I have made local adjustments to brightness and contrast in an attempt to make the “galloper” stand out from the background.


My version…

20221227_0094.RW2.xmp (16.3 KB)


All black and white except the carrousel
For the frame (with carousel color) I had to move the colorize module up above the monochrome modules in the pipeline.

And for the blur, I was hoping that in the blur1 module, selecting the figure used in Monochrome1 would also select the parametric mask (I thought it was included). As it was not, I had to select by hand the parametric mask in blur1 to blur only the background.

20230120_20221227_0094.RW2.xmp (21,9 KB)


Thanks for posting this shot
darktable 4.2

20221227_0094_02.RW2.xmp (21.9 KB)


darktable 4.20

20221227_0094.RW2.xmp (7,3 Ko)


For your consumption, here is a variation generated by DALL·E with the starting point of my original editing.

Clearly this is not a photograph, but definitely it highlights the basics of the original shot:

  • tangent light
  • haze
  • a big church and a carousel
  • dimmed colours
  • persons living their daily paths

Thank to @all of you who contributed to this Play Raw, I learnt a lot from this and from your variations on my meager photo.


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20221227_0094.RW2.xmp (17.8 KB)


It’s been only a very few days since I joined this community, and I’ve had so many inputs, so many things to think about. This site does a meritorious job with a community that is a huge source of expertise.


Rawtherapee. Trying for a moody ‘cinematic’ look.
20221227_0094-1.jpg.out.pp3 (28.7 KB)


Nice interpretation. Welcome on board.

20221227_0094.RW2.xmp (11.6 KB)

My version with DT 4.2

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You have to use the raster mask feature for that.


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True, I was referring to that and then I knew what was going on.

The problem was that Blur1 goes before Monochrome1 in the pipeline, therefore, Blur1 does not see the raster mask of Monochrome1.

To do this I would have to move Blur1 up to after Monochrome1 in the pipeline.

Thanks kofa for the link. Point 2 is the one I didn’t know:

  1. Raster masks are passed up the pixelpipe after module processing - they can only be used by modules that come later in the pipe than the generating module.

One trick you can do is to create a ‘dummy’ module instance early in the pipeline (such as exposure with no correction set) with drawn + parametric masks covering the desired areas, and use that to provide the raster mask.


Well that was a very good idea that trick that I didn’t know either. This way I avoid moving the modules that share masks.
If someone wants to see how it would look with the raster mask:

20230120_20221227_0094.RW2-withRaster.xmp (16,2 KB)
(Before overwriting with my xmp don’t forget to save a copy of your own xmp or duplicate the image)

Thanks again kofa.

One month after my first post in Pixls.us… Same location, same carousel as always. If you feel inspired jump over again for a new round, it’s free.

_1010848.RW2 (19.3 MB)

As always this image is released under a CC0 license.

EDIT: Please note, I can testify that the sphere floating in the sky over the cupola of the basilica is not a Chinese spy balloon.

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