Erratic curser when selecting Clone or smudge tool

My curser in the latest version of GIMP is acting erratically when selecting Clone or Smudge. Any thoughts ? It used to be a solid circle when using. Now it flashes into different sizes as I’m using either the Clone selection or the Smude selection

What software are you referring to?

The latest version of Gimp, running on a dell optiplex using windows 10. Never had the problem until recently.

Make sure you brush dynamics are set to “Dynamics off”.

I did try it, same problem , I thought my jitter option might have been on but it wasn’t. But that’s what it’s acting like. The curser keeps expanding and contracting rapidly when I move the cursor changing the smudge or clone size. It works, but not correctly. Thankyou for your help tho. Any other thoughts ? I love the program, but I’m quite the novice at using it.

Can you make a screenshot,showing the Tool options?

I see your Dynamics settings are “Dynamics Random”. Try changing it to Dynamics Off instead and see if that helps.


You got it my friend, thank you. I tried unchecking the Dynamics Options thinking I had done what you asked. I found the options where it says Dynamics Random and tuned those off and that was it. I’m a novice at GIMP. Forgive. Thank you again for the help.

Should I remove my original inquiry from the forum now that you’ve solved the issue for me, or leave it there for other novices LOL ?

You should certainly leave it. The forum is for everyone, not just you.

Thankyou, I knew it wasn’t just for me, I just wasn’t sure what the protocol was. I certainly appreciate the help I got.

Depending on your setup, options you turned on by mistake (of forgot about) can remain set between Gimp sessions. You make make Gimp start with a “stable” set of options, see Managing tool options and window positions.
