Hi, I’m writing a Python script to convert XISF files to FITS, based on the Python module “xisf”. Usually the conversion is done fine and Siril doesn’t give me any errors, but this time I get this error:
00:05:57: Running command: clear
20:06:04: The FITS image contains more than 3 channels (1). Opening only the three first.
20:06:04: Fitsio error reading data, file: /Users/xisf/src/Salida.fits.
20:06:04: FITS error: Attempt to read past end of array:
20:06:04: FITS error: Image has 26091648 elements;
20:06:04: FITS error: Tried to read 78274944 elements starting at element 1.
20:06:04: Opening /Users/xisf/src/Salida.fits failed.
SIRIL v1.2.3, installed from MacOS Packages
This is the HEADER of the FITS that when I open it with Siril gives me an error:
Image dimensions:: (1, 4176, 6248)
COMMENT PixInsight image preprocessing pipeline
COMMENT Master frame generated with Weighted Batch Preprocessing Script v2.5.9
COMMENT Integration with PixInsight 1.8.9-1
COMMENT Astrometric solution by PixInsight 1.8.9-1
IMAGETYP= 'Master Light' / Type of image
XBINNING= '1 ' / Binning factor, horizontal axis
YBINNING= '1 ' / Binning factor, vertical axis
FILTER = 'O ' / Filter used when taking image
EXPTIME = '120.00 ' / Exposure time in seconds
INSTRUME= 'ZWO ASI2600MM Pro' / Name of instrument
XPIXSZ = '3.76 ' / Pixel size including binning, X-axis (um)
YPIXSZ = '3.76 ' / Pixel size including binning, Y-axis (um)
EGAIN = '0.182122' / Camera gain in electrons per data number
TELESCOP= 'ioptron gen28' / Name of telescope
FOCALLEN= '342.58169' / Focal length (mm)
OBJECT = 'NGC 3324' / Name of observed object
WARNING: VerifyWarning: Card is too long, comment will be truncated. [astropy.io.fits.card]
RA = '159.5855140535311' / Right ascension of the center of the image (deg
DEC = '-59.22061700545007' / Declination of the center of the image (deg)
DATE-OBS= '2023-04-12T00:49:42.590' / Start date/time of observation (UTC)
DATE-END= '2023-04-12T00:51:42.590' / End date/time of observation (UTC)
OBSGEO-L= '-70.923889' / Geodetic longitude of observation location (deg
OBSGEO-B= '-53.162778' / Geodetic latitude of observation location (deg)
OBSGEO-H= '0 ' / Geodetic height of observation location (m)
HISTORY Integration with ImageIntegration module version 1.5.1
HISTORY Integration with ImageIntegration process
HISTORY ImageIntegration.pixelCombination: Average
HISTORY ImageIntegration.outputNormalization: Additive + scaling
HISTORY ImageIntegration.weightMode: PSF Signal Weight
HISTORY ImageIntegration.scaleEstimator: Biweight midvariance
HISTORY ImageIntegration.rangeRejection: range_low=0.000000
HISTORY ImageIntegration.pixelRejection: Generalized extreme Studentized deviate
HISTORY ImageIntegration.rejectionNormalization: Scale + zero offset
HISTORY ImageIntegration.rejectionClippings: low=yes high=yes
HISTORY ImageIntegration.rejectionParameters: esd_outliers=0.30 esd_alpha=0.05 eHISTORY sd_low=1
HISTORY ImageIntegration.numberOfImages: 240
HISTORY ImageIntegration.totalPixels: 1967028224
HISTORY ImageIntegration.outputRangeLow: 1.10983686e-03
HISTORY ImageIntegration.outputRangeHigh: 9.86241758e-01
HISTORY ImageIntegration.totalRejectedLow: 30383369(0.485%)
HISTORY ImageIntegration.totalRejectedHigh: 5388109(0.086%)
HISTORY ImageIntegration.imageWeights_239: 8.18221e-01
HISTORY ImageIntegration.scaleFactors_239: 9.285044e-01
HISTORY ImageIntegration.zeroOffsets_239: -5.787178e-04
HISTORY ImageIntegration.rejectedLow_239: 138432
HISTORY ImageIntegration.rejectedHigh_239: 27485
PSFFLX00= '2.6255e+03' / Sum of PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFFLP00= '1.2784e+04' / Sum of squared PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFMFL00= '4.1021e+01' / Sum of mean PSF flux estimates, channel #0
PSFMFP00= '5.2117e-02' / Sum of mean squared PSF flux estimates, channel
PSFMST00= '2.5006e-05' / M* mean background estimate, channel #0
PSFNST00= '3.8171e-05' / N* noise estimate, channel #0
PSFSGN00= '46752 ' / Number of valid PSF flux estimates, channel #0
NOISE00 = '2.3464e-05' / Noise estimate, channel #0
NOISEL00= '2.546531e-05' / Noise scaling factor, low pixels, channel #0
NOISEH00= '6.437296e-04' / Noise scaling factor, high pixels, channel #0
NOISEA00= 'MRS ' / Noise evaluation algorithm, channel #0
PSFSGTYP= 'Moffat4 ' / PSF type used for signal estimation
TIMESYS = 'UTC ' / Time scale: Universal Time, Coordinated
LONG-OBS= '-70.923889' / Geodetic longitude (deg) (compatibility)
LAT-OBS = '-53.162778' / Geodetic latitude (deg) (compatibility)
ALT-OBS = '0 ' / Geodetic height (m) (compatibility)
OBJCTRA = '10 38 20.523' / Right ascension (hours) (compatibility)
OBJCTDEC= '-59 13 14.22' / Declination (deg) (compatibility)
RADESYS = 'ICRS ' / Coordinates referred to ICRS / J2000.0
CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / Axis1 projection: Gnomonic
CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / Axis2 projection: Gnomonic
CRPIX1 = '3124.65450432' / Axis1 reference pixel
CRPIX2 = '2088.84720891' / Axis2 reference pixel
CRVAL1 = '159.5855263998806' / Axis1 reference value
CRVAL2 = '-59.22061703523206' / Axis2 reference value
PV1_1 = '0 ' / Native longitude of the reference point (deg)
PV1_2 = '0 ' / Native latitude of the reference point (deg)
CD1_1 = '-3.9540842139e-05' / Scale matrix (1,1)
CD1_2 = '0.0006277373807202' / Scale matrix (1,2)
CD2_1 = '0.0006274749261454' / Scale matrix (2,1)
CD2_2 = '3.94906035985e-05' / Scale matrix (2,2)
REFSPLIN= 'T ' / Thin plate spline astrometric solution availabl
CDELT1 = '0.0006287174428274216' / Axis1 scale
CDELT2 = '-0.0006289804171109365' / Axis2 scale
CROTA1 = '93.60273683022901' / Axis1 rotation angle (deg)
CROTA2 = '93.60273683022901' / Axis2 rotation angle (deg)
This is a HEADER of a FITS that when I open it with Siril, it does NOT give me an error:
Image dimensions: (3, 813, 1216)
INSTRUME= 'QHY5III178M' / Name of instrument
IMAGETYP= 'LIGHT ' / Type of integrated image
XPIXSZ = '4.8 ' / Pixel size including binning, X-axis (um)
YPIXSZ = '4.8 ' / Pixel size including binning, Y-axis (um)
XBINNING= '2 ' / Pixel binning factor, X-axis
YBINNING= '2 ' / Pixel binning factor, Y-axis
TELESCOP= 'Orion 10"' / Name of telescope
FOCALLEN= '1000 ' / Effective focal length (mm)
OBJECT = 'NGC 7317' / Name of observed object
WARNING: VerifyWarning: Card is too long, comment will be truncated. [astropy.io.fits.card]
RA = '341.059508263754' / Right ascension of the center of the image (deg
OBJCTRA = '22 44 14.282' / Right ascension (hours) (compatibility)
DEC = '34.3826728723404' / Declination of the center of the image (deg)
OBJCTDEC= '+34 22 57.62' / Declination (deg) (compatibility)
DATE-OBS= '2024-08-17T21:17:22.597' / Date/time of start of observation (UTC)
DATE-END= '2024-08-18T01:54:15.964' / Date/time of end of observation (UTC)
OBSGEO-L= '-3.35 ' / Geodetic longitude of observation location (deg
LONG-OBS= '-3.35 ' / Geodetic longitude (deg) (compatibility)
OBSGEO-B= '39.48333333' / Geodetic latitude of observation location (deg)
LAT-OBS = '39.48333333' / Geodetic latitude (deg) (compatibility)
OBSGEO-H= '644 ' / Geodetic height of observation location (m)
ALT-OBS = '644 ' / Geodetic height (m) (compatibility)
Any idea if I should filter out some KEYWORDS from the XISF file from being written to the FITS?
Sorry to ask this here, maybe I need to ask the author of the “xisf” library.